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Can a Judge Be Corrected?

Can a Judge Be Corrected?

Can a Judge Be Corrected?

SLADJANA, one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Croatia, was scheduled to appear in court concerning some financial matters. She presented herself on time before a judge. However, another party in the case was late. Sladjana was eager to give a witness, so while everyone was waiting, she mustered up the courage to speak to the judge.

“Sir, did you know that soon there will be no judges and no courts on earth?” she asked. She was referring, of course, to judges as we know them today.

Surprised, the judge simply looked at her, without saying a word. Just then the proceedings began. When they ended and Sladjana stood up to sign a document, the judge leaned over and asked her in a whisper: “Are you sure of what you just told me, that soon there will be no judges and no courts on earth?”

“Yes, Sir. I am absolutely sure!” replied Sladjana.

“What evidence do you have for that?” the judge asked.

“It can be found in the Bible,” Sladjana answered.

The judge said that he would like to read such evidence, but he did not have a Bible. So Sladjana offered to get him one. The Witnesses called on the judge, gave him a Bible, and encouraged him to have a weekly Bible study. The judge accepted the offer and soon became one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Prophetically, Psalm 2:10 says: “Now, O kings, exercise insight; let yourselves be corrected, O judges of the earth.” How heartwarming when such ones humbly accept Jehovah’s loving direction!

[Picture on page 32]

Sladjana with the judge