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Subject Index for The Watchtower 2006

Subject Index for The Watchtower 2006

Subject Index for The Watchtower 2006

Indicating date of issue in which article appears


Canon (Muratorian Fragment), 2/15

Christophe Plantin​—Bible Printing, 11/15

“Compare Scripture With Scripture,” 8/15

“Earliest Known Citations,” 1/15

Highlights From Ezra, 1/15

Highlights From Nehemiah, 2/1

Highlights From Esther, 3/1

Highlights From Job, 3/15

Highlights From Psalms, Book One, 5/15

Highlights From Psalms, Book Two, 6/1

Highlights From Psalms, Books Three, Four, 7/15

Highlights From Psalms, Book Five, 9/1

Highlights From Proverbs, 9/15

Highlights From Ecclesiastes, 11/1

Highlights From Song of Solomon, 11/15

Highlights From Isaiah​—I, 12/1

“How I Do Love Your Law!” 9/15

Too Restrictive? 10/1

Understanding, 4/1

Valiant Effort to Promote (Seraphim), 5/15


Delivered by “Precious Blood,” 3/15

Giving Witness With “Good Courage,” 11/15

‘Jah Serves for My Salvation,’ 1/15

‘Our God Is Able to Rescue Us’ (three Hebrews), 7/15

“To Jehovah Belongs the Battle,” 5/15

‘We Cannot Stop Speaking,’ 9/15


“Anyone Regarding Reproof Is Shrewd” (Pr 15), 7/1

Cannot Save It, Use It Well (time), 8/1

Comfort for Elderly, 6/1

Communicating With Mate, 4/15

Contentment by Applying Bible Principles, 6/1

Exercising Authority, Imitate Christ, 4/1

Fear of God “a Discipline” (Pr 15), 8/1

“Freeness of Speech,” 5/15

Have No Fear, 5/1

Issue That Involves You, 11/15

Lesson About Pride and Humility, 6/15

Making Decisions God’s Way, 4/15

Meditation a Pleasure, 1/1

Parents​—Be a Fine Example, 4/1

Pays to Be Honest, 12/1

Raising Children, 11/1

Reaching Heart of Child, 5/1

Serving With Foreign-Language Congregation, 3/15

Show Concern for Poor, 5/1

True Prosperity, 2/1

Value of “Weaker Vessel,” 5/15

Wedding Day, 10/15

When Loved One Leaves Jehovah, 9/1

Why Do What Is Right? 11/15

“Word at Its Right Time,” 1/1


Can We Get to Know God? 10/15

Purpose for Earth, 5/15

The Right to Have a Name, 4/15


Aged but Not Caged (F. Rivarol), 8/15

“Because of a Nine-Year-Old,” 9/1

“Best Conclusion” (Spain), 7/1

Bolivia’s Isolated Towns, 2/15

Daniel and Convention Badge, 11/1

“Deliverance at Hand!” Conventions, 3/1

Faith Encourages Others (Canary Islands), 7/1

First Chased, Then Embraced (Peru), 1/1

‘From Today, I Believe There Is a God’ (Czech Republic), 7/15

Gilead Graduations, 1/1, 7/1

Guinea, 10/15

Haiti, 12/15

Judge Corrected? 12/1

Ministerial Training School, 11/15

New Members of Governing Body, 3/15

Panama, 4/15

Purple Triangle, 2/15

Refreshing Growth (Taiwan), 8/15

Teach Your Children to Comment, 11/15

“Tell Us More!” (student in Russia), 3/1

Uganda, 6/15

Unitedly Building, 11/1

Visit Caused a Turnaround, 7/1


Christ’s Teachings Where? 3/1

High Priest Who Condemned, 1/15

Messiah’s Coming, 2/15


Benefiting From Loyalty of Loved Ones (K. Cooke), 9/1

Bringing Up Eight Children (J. Valentine), 1/1

Delight Was in Law of Jehovah (A. Schroeder), 9/15

Determined to Serve Jehovah (R. Kuokkanen), 4/1

Family United at Last! (S. Hirano), 8/1

Fight to Stay Spiritually Strong (R. Brüggemeier), 12/1

Jehovah Helped Meet Life’s Challenges (D. Irwin), 10/1

Jehovah Helped Me Find Him (F. Clark), 2/1

Jehovah Rewarded Desire to Be Missionary (S. Winfield da Conceição), 11/1

Knowing What Is Right and Doing It (H. Sanderson), 3/1

Learning Why God Permits Suffering (H. Peloyan), 5/1

Perseverance Brings Joy (M. Rocha de Souza), 7/1

Serving Joyfully Despite Infirmities (V. Spetsiotis), 6/1


Angels, 1/15

Animal Creation Magnifies Jehovah, 1/15

Antichrist, 12/1

Baruch​—Jeremiah’s Secretary, 8/15

Christmas, 12/15

Ebla Emerges From Oblivion, 12/15

Enlightenment, 7/1

Finding Way in Ocean, 10/1

God’s Kingdom, 7/15

Good Triumph Over Evil? 1/1

Hair Shirt, 8/1

Happiness, 6/15

Human Dignity, 8/1

Jewish Ritual Bathing, 10/15

Judah Remain Desolate? 11/15

Lagani Auna Tree, 2/1

Living Forever, 10/1

Living in “Last Days”? 9/15

Melito of Sardis, 4/15

Money and Morals, 2/1

Non-Biblical Reference to Israel, 7/15

“Ornament of All Galilee” (Sepphoris), 6/1

Peace on Earth​—A Dream? 12/15

Poverty, 5/1

Religion​—What Good? 9/1

Remedy for Death, 3/15

Roman Roads, 10/15

Sanhedrin, 9/15

Seal ‘Belonging to Jucal,’ 9/15

“Symbolic Drama,” 3/15

“Take Care of This Vine”! 6/15

TV a Good Babysitter? 6/15

Want Good Friends? 3/1

Who Will Inherit Earth? 8/15

“Why Are We Here?” 10/15

Worship That Is Good, 9/1


Ark of covenant contents, 1/15

Auto accident causing death, 9/15

Disfellowship for uncleanness? 7/15

Earth to be destroyed? (Ps 102:26), 1/1

Jesus disrespectful of mother? (Joh 2:4), 12/1

Joseph read omens? (Ge 44:5), 2/1

Moses “no more allowed to go out”? (De 31:2), 10/1

“No man has ascended into heaven but he that descended” (Joh 3:13), 6/15

‘Not boil kid in mother’s milk’ (Ex 23:19), 4/1

Relief from demon harassment, 4/15

Sin and die after final test? 8/15

Under Law, why unclean from natural sexual functions? 6/1

What brings “desirable things” in? (Hag 2:7), 5/15

What three dangers? (Mt 5:22), 2/15

“Wisdom” meant prehuman Jesus? (Pr 8), 8/1

Women “keep silent” in congregation? (1Co 14:34), 3/1


Administration for Fulfilling God’s Purpose, 2/15

Always Accept Jehovah’s Discipline, 11/15

Are You Prepared for Survival? 5/15

“A Witness to All the Nations,” 2/1

Be Wise​—Fear God! 8/1

Born Into God’s Chosen Nation, 7/1

‘Choose Life to Keep Alive,’ 6/1

Courageous Through Faith and Godly Fear, 10/1

Courage Strengthened by Love, 10/1

Do Not Allow Place for the Devil, 1/15

Do You Share Jehovah’s View of Sacred Things? 11/1

“Each One Will Carry His Own Load,” 3/15

Fear Jehovah​—Be Happy! 8/1

Focus on the Goodness of Jehovah’s Organization, 7/15

Gathering Things in Heaven and Things on Earth, 2/15

‘Go and Make Disciples, Baptizing Them,’ 4/1

“Great Day of Jehovah Is Near,” 12/15

Hope in Jehovah, and Be Courageous, 10/1

How Firm Is Your Trust in God? 1/1

“How I Do Love Your Law!” 6/15

How to Approach the “Hearer of Prayer,” 9/1

“I Am With You People,” 4/15

Imitate the Patience of Jehovah, 2/1

Jehovah Delivers the Afflicted One, 7/15

Jehovah Gives “Holy Spirit to Those Asking Him,” 12/15

Jehovah Tells “From the Beginning the Finale,” 6/1

Jehovah Trains Shepherds for His Flock, 5/1

Jehovah Will “Cause Justice to Be Done,” 12/15

Job​—A Man of Endurance and Integrity, 8/15

Joys of Walking in Integrity, 5/15

Keep Clear of False Worship! 3/15

‘Keep Free From Murmurings,’ 7/15

Keep Yourself in God’s Love, 11/15

“Keep Your Senses Completely,” 3/1

Let Your Hands Be Strong, 4/15

“Let Your Petitions Be Made Known to God,” 9/1

Love the God Who Loves You, 12/1

Loyally Serving Christ the King, 5/1

Meeting Requirements for Christian Baptism, 4/1

Oppose Satan, and He Will Flee! 1/15

Prove Your Faith by Your Life Course, 10/15

“Rejoice With the Wife of Your Youth,” 9/15

Seeking Righteousness Will Protect Us, 1/1

Shepherds Who Are “Examples to the Flock,” 5/1

Showing Respect for Our Sacred Gatherings, 11/1

Show Love and Respect by Controlling Your Tongue, 9/15

Walking in the Path of Increasing Light, 2/15

Weddings That Are Honorable in the Sight of God and Man, 10/15

What It Means to Love Our Neighbor, 12/1

Wholesome Recreation That Refreshes, 3/1

“You Have Heard of the Endurance of Job,” 8/15

“Your Reminders Are What I Am Fond Of,” 6/15

Youths, Make It Your Choice to Serve Jehovah, 7/1