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Man and Woman—Made for Each Other

Man and Woman—Made for Each Other

Man and Woman​—Made for Each Other

MAN and woman have always yearned to be together. This originated with God. Jehovah saw that it was not good for the first man, Adam, to continue by himself. So God made “a helper for [the man], as a complement of him.”

Jehovah caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and then he took one of his ribs and “proceeded to build the rib . . . into a woman and to bring her to the man.” Adam was so thrilled upon meeting this beautiful creation of Jehovah that he declared: “This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.” With her feminine qualities, the perfect woman, Eve, was indeed lovable. And perfect Adam in his masculine dignity deserved respect. They were made for each other. The Bible says: “That is why a man will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to his wife and they must become one flesh.”​—Genesis 2:18-24.

Today, however, families are breaking apart, and the relationship between man and woman is often abusive or governed by selfishness. A spirit of competition between the sexes has contributed to conflict and discord. All of this is contrary to God’s purpose for man and woman. Man was designed to fill a wonderful role on earth. Woman was to occupy a unique and worthy place at man’s side. They were to work together in harmony. From the beginning of human existence, godly men and women have faithfully tried to fulfill the roles that Jehovah meant for them, and this has added to their happiness and satisfaction. What are these roles, and how can we fulfill them?

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Man and woman are designed to occupy dignified roles in God’s arrangement