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“She Just Made Us Come”

“She Just Made Us Come”

“She Just Made Us Come”

HOSPITALITY is proverbial in Eastern lands. For example, in India a family may even go hungry in order to feed an unexpected guest. A mother in Iran always stocks the refrigerator with food so that she can extend hospitality to unexpected visitors.

The spirit of such generous giving was evident among many people mentioned in the Bible. One outstanding example is that of Lydia, probably a Jewish proselyte living in Philippi, the principal city of the district of Macedonia. On a certain sabbath day, the apostle Paul and his traveling companions found Lydia and some other women gathered beside a river outside Philippi. Jehovah opened her heart as Paul spoke on that occasion. As a result, she was baptized along with members of her household. She then entreated the travelers: “If you men have judged me to be faithful to Jehovah, enter into my house.” Paul’s companion Luke observes: “She just made us come.”​—Acts 16:11-15.

Like Lydia, Christians today extend hospitality to fellow believers, such as traveling overseers and their wives. The hosts ‘just make them come.’ In turn, those extending hospitality are blessed with upbuilding conversation and spiritual fellowship. Although most of Jehovah’s Witnesses are of limited means, they “follow the course of hospitality.” (Romans 12:13; Hebrews 13:2) Their spirit of giving makes them happy. Jesus certainly was right when he said: “There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.”​—Acts 20:35.