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Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Have you appreciated reading the recent issues of The Watchtower? Well, see if you can answer the following questions:

• What can we learn from Jesus’ illustration about the persistent host? (Luke 11:5-10)

This illustration shows what our disposition should be when we pray. We ought to ask persistently, or keep on asking, especially for God’s holy spirit. (Luke 11:11-13)​—12/15, pages 20-2.

• Jesus’ illustration about a widow and a judge contains what lesson for us? (Luke 18:1-8)

It stresses the need to pray. Unlike the judge, Jehovah is righteous and wants to come to our aid. Moreover, we should have faith like that of the widow in the illustration.​—12/15, pages 26-8.

• Why did the apostle Paul tell Corinthian Christians to “widen out”? (2 Corinthians 6:11-13)

It seems that some in Corinth lacked appreciation for fellow believers, being narrow and ungenerous at heart. We need to put forth effort to develop genuine appreciation for fellow believers, even reaching out to make new friends.​—1/1, pages 9-11.

• What sealing is referred to at Revelation 7:3?

When God anoints Christians with holy spirit, these are initially sealed. But Revelation 7:3 refers to a final sealing, when such anointed ones are confirmed as having fully demonstrated their loyalty.​—1/1, pages 30-1.

• Parents can learn what from the Bible record about Samuel?

For one thing, they should teach their children God’s word, as Samuel’s parents surely taught him. In addition, they ought to encourage their children to make service to Jehovah a career.​—1/15, page 16.

• How can we show that we are happy to wait for Jehovah?

We are “awaiting . . . the day of Jehovah,” looking forward to relief when he eliminates all ungodly men. (2 Peter 3:7, 12) But eager as Jehovah is to end all evil, he is exercising restraint so as to bring about the salvation of Christians in a way that will glorify his name. We should trust that Jehovah knows the right time to act, and in the meantime, we should actively praise him. (Psalm 71:14, 15)​—3/1, pages 17-18.

• Did Noah take into the ark seven of each clean animal or seven pairs of each?

Noah was told to ‘take to himself by sevens’ each clean animal. (Genesis 7:1, 2) In Hebrew, the expression “sevens” literally reads “seven seven.” That way of speaking does not mean seven pairs, as other Bible texts bear out. Noah evidently took seven of each, three pairs and a seventh that he could later use in sacrifice. (Genesis 8:20)​—3/15, page 31.

• Why should Christians “contemplate” how the faith of elders, those who are taking the lead, turns out?

The apostle Paul invites us to “contemplate,” or carefully observe, the outcome of the faithful conduct of the elders and to follow such examples of faith. (Hebrews 13:7) We do this because we are directed to do so in God’s Word. Also, we are persuaded that the elders have both Kingdom interests and our best interests at heart.​—4/1, page 28.