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Far More Important Than the Weather

Far More Important Than the Weather

Far More Important Than the Weather

ALMOST all nations have proverbs about the weather: Red sky at night, sailor’s delight; red sky in the morning, sailor take warning. Meteorologists today give technical reasons why weather conditions may well develop as the proverb says.

In Jesus’ time, people were likewise accustomed to studying the sky and interpreting its appearance. Jesus said to some Jews: “When evening falls you are accustomed to say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is fire-red’; and at morning, ‘It will be wintry, rainy weather today, for the sky is fire-red, but gloomy-looking.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but . . . ” But what? Jesus went on to make a striking statement: “The signs of the times you cannot interpret.”​—Matthew 16:2, 3.

What were these “signs of the times”? They were the many clear indications that Jesus was the true Messiah sent from God. His actions were as clearly recognizable as the redness of the sky. However, most of the Jews ignored the signs that showed that the Messiah had come​—a development certainly more important than the weather.

Today, too, there is a sign that is far more important to understand than the color of the literal sky. Jesus foretold that this wicked world would be brought to an end so that a better world could begin. He mentioned a number of developments that together would show when this change was about to happen. Among these are global wars and famines. Jesus said that when these things are seen, the time for God’s intervention is near.​—Matthew 24:3-21.

Do you see “the signs of the times”?