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“Do You Know God by Name?”

“Do You Know God by Name?”

“Do You Know God by Name?”

THAT question aroused the interest of a woman in the southwestern part of Central Asia. The question appeared on the cover of the January 22, 2004, issue of our companion magazine, Awake! The woman wrote to the publishers: “Right from the start, I was attracted to your journal, and it helped me to focus on good values. My view of life is becoming more positive. I am telling everybody about our God and the peace this knowledge brings.”

In many places, in fact “to the most distant part of the earth,” people are becoming acquainted with the divine name, Jehovah. (Acts 1:8) For example, this name in the Turkmen language, Yehowa, can readily be found in the Turkmen translation of the Holy Scriptures. Psalm 8:1 reads: “Jehovah our Lord, how majestic your name is in all the earth!”

In order to learn more about Jehovah God, the woman asked for a copy of the 32-page brochure The Divine Name That Will Endure Forever. You too may request this brochure from one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.