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“A Faithful Witness in the Skies”

“A Faithful Witness in the Skies”

“A Faithful Witness in the Skies”

POETS and songwriters have long extolled the moon as an object of beauty. For example, a divinely inspired song speaks of a woman who is “beautiful like the full moon.” (Song of Solomon 6:10) And a psalmist poetically calls the moon “a faithful witness in the skies.” (Psalm 89:37) What is the significance of this expression regarding the moon?

The moon unfailingly completes its orbit around the earth every 27.3 days. Hence, the moon’s faithfulness can refer to its reliability. However, the psalmist may have had a much deeper meaning in mind. He called the moon “a faithful witness” in a prophetic song about the Kingdom for which Jesus taught his followers to pray.​—Matthew 6:9, 10.

Over 3,000 years ago, Jehovah God entered into the Kingdom covenant with King David of ancient Israel. (2 Samuel 7:12-16) The purpose of that covenant was to provide a legal basis for Jesus Christ, as David’s heir, to possess the throne forever. (Isaiah 9:7; Luke 1:32, 33) Referring to the throne of David’s “seed,” the psalmist sang: “As the moon it will be firmly established for time indefinite, and as a faithful witness in the skies.”​—Psalm 89:36, 37.

The ‘luminary that dominates the night’​—the moon—​is a fitting reminder of the permanence of Christ’s rule. (Genesis 1:16) Concerning his Kingdom, Daniel 7:14 states: “His rulership is an indefinitely lasting rulership that will not pass away, and his kingdom one that will not be brought to ruin.” The moon is a witness that reminds us of that Kingdom and the blessings it will bestow upon mankind.

[Picture Credit Line on page 32]

Moon: NASA photo