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Rejoicing Over “Victory With the Lamb”

Rejoicing Over “Victory With the Lamb”

Rejoicing Over “Victory With the Lamb”

IN A letter he wrote in 1971, Carey W. Barber reflected on his first 50 years of service to the true God: “The years in Jehovah’s service have been unusually good. The association with his people; the protection from the evildoers of Satan’s world; the prospect of victory with the Lamb, Jesus Christ; and the evidence of Jehovah’s love combine to bring about that sweet peace and inner satisfaction that guard the heart and give sure hope of the final triumph.”

Six years later, Brother Barber, a spirit-anointed Christian, began serving as a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses. In that capacity during the following 30 years, he continued to look forward to “victory with the Lamb.” He achieved that by proving faithful until his death at the age of 101 on Sunday, April 8, 2007.​—1 Corinthians 15:57.

Born in England in 1905, Carey Barber was baptized in Winnipeg, Canada, in 1921. Two years later he and his twin brother, Norman, transferred to Brooklyn, New York, to help with a new project. At that time, Jehovah’s people were about to begin producing their own books for spreading the good news of the Kingdom “in all the inhabited earth.” (Matthew 24:14) One of Brother Barber’s early assignments was that of running a small press. Among the items printed were law briefs for legal cases being taken to the United States Supreme Court. In time, Brother Barber worked in the Service Department, focusing on congregation matters and the preaching work around the country.

Having that background, Brother Barber was well-qualified when in 1948 he was assigned as a traveling minister, visiting assemblies and congregations all over the western part of the United States. He said that he particularly enjoyed being out in the fresh air in the public preaching activity. This assignment brought many brothers and sisters into contact with Brother Barber. His quick mind and zeal for the ministry proved very useful when he later attended the 26th class of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead. During the school term, he became acquainted with a fellow student from Canada, Sydney Lee Brewer. After graduation they married and had their honeymoon on the short trip to serve the congregations in the area of Chicago, Illinois. Sister Barber proved to be a valuable companion and a constant source of support to her husband during their two decades in the traveling ministry.

Those who got to meet Brother Barber and to know him during his decades as a district or circuit overseer or during the 30 years he spent working and traveling as a member of the Governing Body will long remember his talks and lively comments. We have every reason to rejoice over his “victory with the Lamb.”