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Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Have you appreciated reading the recent issues of The Watchtower? Well, see if you can answer the following questions:

• Why is the “Old Testament” of lasting value?

Its Author is, not some cruel deity, but the loving God, Jehovah. Jesus and his early followers continued to refer to the Hebrew Scriptures. They contain practical advice for daily life and offer a wonderful hope for the future.​—9/1, pages 4-7.

• What has been accomplished by allowing time to pass since Adam and Eve sinned?

Over these thousands of years, Satan has been proved a liar​—Adam and Eve and millions of their offspring have died. Time has shown that humans are not better off independent of God and that they have neither the right nor the ability to direct their steps.​—9/15, pages 6-7.

• Why was Jacob not criticized for representing himself as Esau?

Jacob was entitled to his father’s blessing, having purchased the birthright from Esau. When he realized that he had blessed Jacob, Isaac did not seek to change that. And God, who could have intervened, clearly wanted the blessing to go to Jacob.​—10/1, page 31.

• How does our having a conscience argue against evolution?

In all races and cultures, people have been willing to help others, even when doing so involved danger to themselves. Such selfless altruism is not what would be expected if humans were mere animals struggling to survive at any cost.​—10/15, page 20.

• Why can we say that God is humble, and in what way does he display this quality?

As Sovereign and Creator, God does not have limitations as we do. Yet, in line with 2 Samuel 22:36, God is humble in the sense that he shows concern for lowly humans who try to please him, extending mercy to them. He reaches down, as it were, to deal kindly with God-fearing ones.​—11/1, pages 4-5.

• How do ancient potsherds confirm the Biblical record?

Archaeologists have found fragments of pottery in Samaria that contain seven clan names recorded at Joshua 17:1-6. Fragments from Arad confirm information about priestly families and include God’s name. Potsherds from Lachish illuminate the political situation and turmoil that existed in Judah before the Babylonians attacked.​—11/15, pages 12-14.

• What leads to the conclusion that Luke wrote the book of Acts?

Luke’s Gospel and Acts of Apostles are addressed to Theophilus, indicating that Luke compiled both. The use of the pronouns “we,” “our,” and “us” shows that Luke shared in some of the events. (Acts 16:8-15)​—11/15, page 18.

• How should a Christian view hunting and fishing?

Since Noah’s day, God has permitted humans to kill and eat animals. Yet, the requirement to bleed them emphasizes that animal life should be respected as originating with God. Christians should not kill for sport nor for the thrill of the chase or the kill. It is important to obey Caesar’s laws and consider the conscience of others. (Romans 14:13)​—12/1, page 31.