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Subject Index for The Watchtower 2007

Subject Index for The Watchtower 2007

Subject Index for The Watchtower 2007

Indicating date of issue in which article appears


African-Language Bibles, 1/15

Ancient Scribes, 3/15

Easy, Yes, but Accurate? (100-Minute Bible), 2/1

First Bible in Portuguese, 7/1

Glück’s Daunting Task (Latvian translation), 6/15

“Great Gift” to Poland, 8/15

Highlights From Isaiah​—II, 1/15

Highlights From Jeremiah, 3/15

Highlights From Lamentations, 6/1

Highlights From Ezekiel, 7/1, 8/1

Highlights From Daniel, 9/1

Highlights From Hosea, 9/15

Highlights From Joel, Amos, 10/1

Highlights From Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, 11/1

Highlights From Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, 11/15

Highlights From Haggai, Zechariah, 12/1

Highlights From Malachi, 12/15

Jesus Own a Bible? 12/1

Potsherds Confirm, 11/15

Practical? 4/1

Scroll to Codex, 6/1

Value of “Old Testament,” 9/1


Caring for Others, 6/15

Choices That Lead to Happiness, 10/1

Circumcision​—Sign of Manhood? 6/1

Commendation, 9/1

Compassion, 12/15

Cultivate Love for God in Child, 9/15

Dealing With Injustice, 8/15

Expectations Unfulfilled, 4/15

Faith in Prophecy, 4/1

Happy to Wait for Jehovah, 3/1

Help Children Become Truly Educated, 5/15

Humility, 11/1

Learning From Children, 2/1

Light Is Wonderful! 3/15

Live Only for Today? 10/15

Man and Woman​—Dignified Roles, 1/15

Meaningful Life, 11/15

Move Toward Light, 10/15

‘Plans Firmly Established’ (Pr 16), 5/15

Power of Tongue, 6/1

‘Put Me to the Test,’ 8/15

Refreshing to Others? 11/15

Sacrifices That Please God, 4/1

‘She Made Us Come,’ 3/15

Spirituality, 8/1

Teach Child to Be Peaceable, 12/1

Telling the Truth, 2/1

“Thriving During Gray-Headedness,” 9/15

Values, 6/15

When Child Rebels, 1/15

Why Avoid Extremes? 2/15

Why Meet Together? 5/15

Widen Out in Love, 1/1

‘Wisdom a Protection’ (Pr 16), 7/15

Youths​—Touch Parents’ Heart, 5/1


Designer, 8/15

God’s Eyes Upon You? 8/1

Name in Russian Music, 9/1

Why Permit Wickedness? 9/15


“Accept My Humble Gift” (Russia), 11/15

Adryana’s Wish, 4/15

Centenarian With Purpose, 1/15

“Deliverance at Hand!” District Conventions (2006), 7/1

Disabled Yet Eager to Serve, 4/15

Example of Honesty, 2/15

Field “White for Harvesting” (Guajira Peninsula), 4/15

“Follow the Christ!” Conventions, 3/1

Gilead Graduations, 1/1, 7/1

“House of Stone” (Zimbabwe), 2/15

“I Admired His Incredible Determination” (Germany), 10/15

Mother’s Faith Triumphs, 8/1

Overcoming Challenges to Deliver Good News (Africa), 10/15

Seize Opportunities to Share Beliefs? (schoolmates), 11/1

‘Silver Is Mine, Gold Is Mine’ (contributions), 11/1

Two “Miracles” at One Convention (Georgia), 8/1

Victory at European Court of Human Rights (Russia), 5/15

“Your Very Precious Gift” (Belgium), 12/15


Coming, 3/15


Awaiting Kingdom “No Part of This World” (N. Gutsulyak), 3/1

Determined to Accomplish Ministry (L. Davison), 6/1

Disciple-Making Work Shaped My Life (L. Peters), 4/1

Learned to Trust Fully in Jehovah (A. Baxter), 11/1

Man Who Loved Life and People (D. Sydlik), 1/1

On Course Toward New World (J. Pramberg), 12/1

Our Treasure Hunt Yielded Lasting Riches (D. Smith and D. Ward), 5/1

Rejoicing Over “Victory With the Lamb” (C. Barber), 10/15

Right Choices, Lifelong Blessings (P. Kushnir), 1/1

Serving Jehovah​—Honor and Privilege (Z. Stigers), 8/1

Survived Totalitarian Regimes (H. Dornik), 9/1

Why I Delight in Making Disciples (P. Moseley), 2/1


Amos​—Gatherer or Nipper of Figs? 2/1

Barzillai, 7/15

Beroea, 4/15

Christianity Penetrates Asia Minor, 8/15

Comfort for Grieving Parents, 5/1

Cruelty Ever End? 4/15

Earth​—Just Right, 2/15

Ethnic Harmony, 7/1

“Faithful Witness in the Skies,” 7/15

Hannah, 3/15

Have a Spiritual Mentor? 12/15

Identify True Worship, 3/1

Immortal Soul? 7/15

Jephthah, 5/15

John Milton, 9/15

Jonathan, 9/15

Luke​—Beloved Fellow Worker, 11/15

Matter Which Religion? 3/1

Pagan Holiday Made Christian? 12/15

Pool of Siloam, 7/15

Samuel, 1/15

Saul Meets Friends, Enemies, 6/15

“Ships of Kittim,” 10/15

Sisters Who ‘Built Israel’ (Leah, Rachel), 10/1

Source of Evil, 6/1

Success, 1/1

Syracuse​—Paul’s Voyage, 10/15

View Future With Fear or Hope? 5/15

Wessel Gansfort​—Reformer, 3/1

“What Is Truth?” 10/1

‘Why, Lord, Remain Silent?’ (Pope at Auschwitz), 5/15

World Unity Possible? 12/1

Writing in Ancient Israel, 8/15

Year in “the Good Land,” 6/15


Attend non-Witness wedding? 11/15

Avoid caffeine? 4/15

Children properly trained not leave Jehovah? (Pr 22:6), 6/1

Faithful slave “discreet”? (Mt 24:45), 9/1

How many clean beasts in ark? 3/15

Hunting and Fishing, 12/1

“One man out of a thousand” (Ec 7:28), 1/15

Sealing (Re 7:3), 1/1

Serpent in Eden have legs? (Ge 3:14), 6/15

Toasts, 2/15

What is ‘war at Har–Magedon’? (Re 16:14, 16), 2/1

When calling to heavenly hope ceases 5/1

Who harvested barley offered on Nisan 16? 7/15

Why could Jesus use fermented product (wine) at Memorial? 9/15

Why Saul ask whose son David was? (1Sa 17:58), 8/1

“Wife of one husband” (1Ti 5:9), 4/1

Wrong for Jacob to impersonate Esau? (Ge 27:18, 19), 10/1


Angels​—How They Affect Mankind, 3/15

Are You for Jehovah’s Sovereignty? 12/1

Are You Ready for Jehovah’s Day? 12/15

Are You “Rich Toward God”? 8/1

Awaiting Jehovah’s Day With Endurance, 7/15

“Children, Be Obedient to Your Parents,” 2/15

Cultivate Qualities That Can Help You Make Disciples, 11/15

Deliverance From the Traps of the Birdcatcher, 10/1

Demons​—How Can We Resist Them? 3/15

Do Not Put Apart What God Has Yoked Together, 5/1

Elderly Ones​—A Blessing to the Young, 6/1

Enjoy Life in the Fear of Jehovah, 3/1

“Guard Against Every Sort of Covetousness,” 8/1

Have You Sinned Against the Holy Spirit? 7/15

Hear the Voice From Within, 10/15

Help Others Obey What the Bible Teaches, 1/15

Humbly Submitting to Loving Shepherds, 4/1

Husbands​—Recognize Christ’s Headship, 2/15

Imitate the Great Disciple Maker, 11/15

Jehovah Is a Lover of Justice, 8/15

Jehovah Is an Appreciative God, 2/1

Jehovah’s Sovereignty and the Kingdom of God, 12/1

Jehovah Values Your Obedience, 6/15

“Keep Conquering the Evil With the Good,” 7/1

Let God’s Word Guide Your Steps, 5/1

Let the Congregation Be Built Up, 4/15

Let the Congregation Praise Jehovah, 4/15

Let Us Exalt Jehovah’s Name Together, 3/1

Loyal to Christ and His Faithful Slave, 4/1

Never Cease Growing in Your Appreciation, 2/1

No Weapon Formed Against You Will Succeed, 12/15

Parents​—Train Your Children With Love, 9/1

Practice Mercy​—How? 9/15

Pursuing a Meaningful Purpose in Life, 10/1

Pursuing God’s Purpose Today, 10/1

Responding to Your Conscience, 10/15

Resurrection​—Is It Real to You? 5/15

“Return Evil for Evil to No One,” 7/1

Searching Into the Deep Things of God, 11/1

“Stand Firm and See the Salvation of Jehovah,” 12/15

Teach What the Bible Really Teaches, 1/15

Teach Your Children to Love Jehovah, 9/1

“The First Resurrection”​—Now Under Way! 1/1

The Word of Jehovah Never Fails, 11/1

Thriving Spiritually During Gray-Headedness, 6/1

We Are “Wonderfully Made,” 6/15

We Can Benefit by Enduring Suffering, 8/15

Why All Suffering Is Soon to End, 5/15

Will You “Keep Walking by Spirit”? 7/15

Wives​—Deeply Respect Your Husbands, 2/15

“You Must Become Nothing but Joyful,” 1/1

“Your Father Is Merciful,” 9/15

Youths​—Pursue Goals That Honor God, 5/1