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Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Have you appreciated reading the recent issues of The Watchtower? Well, see if you can answer the following questions:

• When did the astrologers visit Jesus?

A Bible edition comments: “The Magi did not visit Jesus at the manger on the night of his birth as did the shepherds. They came some months later.” By then Jesus was a “young child” and was living in a house. (Matt. 2:7-11) If Jesus had been given gold and valuable gifts on the night he was born, would Mary have offered only two birds at the temple 40 days later?​—1/1, page 31.

• What can many do to enrich their lives?

One might ask, ‘Can I adjust my circumstances and simplify my lifestyle?’ Amy did so. She was well-off but was not happy. She realized that pursuing a career in this world had almost led her astray from the faith. Hence, she decided to put Kingdom interests first and was able to pioneer for a while. Amy says, “I now have a feeling of fulfillment that I never experienced” when pursuing secular goals.​—1/15, page 19.

• What might help some mothers to find fulfillment?

Many mothers work outside the home. Some do this so as to fill basic family needs, and others, to gain financial independence or to pay for luxuries. Still others, because they enjoy their job. Christian mothers play a vital role at home​—especially during a child’s infancy. Some have chosen to limit or end their secular work to give more attention to the family, bringing great fulfillment.​—2/1, pages 28-31.

• To what “generation” did Jesus refer in his words recorded at Matthew 24:34?

Jesus often used the word “generation” negatively when speaking to or about wicked people. But he did not do so in this case when speaking to his disciples, who were soon to be anointed with holy spirit. They would be the ones best able to draw the conclusions mentioned at Matthew 24:32, 33. So it seems that Jesus was referring to his anointed followers, both in the first century and in the modern application of his words.​—2/15, pages 23-4.

• How was the Law a tutor, as mentioned at Galatians 3:24?

Often an ancient tutor was a trusted slave who ensured a child’s safety and saw to it that the father’s wishes were respected. In a similar way, the Law protected the Jews from corrupting influences, such as intermarriage with pagans. But as with a child’s tutor, the Law was temporary, serving until Christ arrived.​—3/1, pages 18-21.

• In line with James 3:17, what qualities should we display?

Being chaste, we need to reject evil things immediately. (Gen. 39:7-9) We should also be peaceable, avoiding aggressiveness or actions that would disrupt peace. So each of us does well to ask himself: ‘Am I known as a peacemaker or a peacebreaker? Do I frequently have disagreements with others? Am I easily offended, or do I often offend others? Or am I ready to forgive and not quick to insist that my personal standards be followed?’​—3/15, pages 24-5.

• Why did Jesus heal a blind man gradually? (Mark 8:22-26)

The Bible does not give a precise explanation. It is, however, possible that in this instance, by healing the blind man gradually, Jesus allowed him time to adapt to the new sensation of being able to see. This would have been a reflection of Jesus’ loving concern for the blind man.​—4/1, page 30.