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Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Have you appreciated reading the recent issues of The Watchtower? See if you can answer the following questions:

• How can we speak fluently the “pure language,” the truth about God and his purposes? (Zeph. 3:9)

As with a spoken language, to speak the “pure language” fluently, we need to listen carefully, imitate fluent speakers, memorize the names of Bible books and some Bible verses, repeat things we learn, read aloud, analyze the grammar, or pattern of truth, work at progressing, assign study times, and practice “speaking” the pure language.​—8/15, pages 21-25.

• What are some things involved in knowing what God is like?

“Jehovah is his name,” and he wants us to know him as such. (Ex. 15:3) He is “the God of love and of peace.” (2 Cor. 13:11) He is “a God of knowledge” and “of salvation.” (1 Sam. 2:3; Ps. 25:5) God will draw close to those thus knowing him.​—9/1, pages 4-7.

• How can the idea of “a threefold cord” apply to marriage?

“Threefold cord” is a figurative expression. (Eccl. 4:12) When applied to marriage, it includes the husband and wife, two strands, who are intertwined with the central strand, God. Being united with God gives a couple the spiritual strength to cope with problems and to achieve happiness.​—9/15, page 16.

• To what does “the laying on of the hands” refer at Hebrews 6:2?

Rather than applying to appointing Christian elders, it likely refers to laying on of the hands to transmit miraculous gifts of holy spirit. (Acts 8:14-17; 19:6)​—9/15, page 32.

• A good father recognizes that his children have what needs?

Some of their needs are (1) his love, (2) a positive example, (3) a happy environment, (4) education in spiritual values, (5) discipline, (6) protection.​—10/1, pages 18-21.

• How can those taking the lead show honor to others?

One way an elder can do so is by never asking others to do things that he is unwilling to do. Also, he shows honor by giving reasons for requests he makes or directions he gives.​—10/15, page 22.

• What are some keys to maintaining commitment in marriage?

Two are: (1) Make your marriage a priority. (2) Avoid all forms of infidelity. Whether your marriage is stable or strained, your mate needs to know that you are committed to making the marriage a success; those two keys will help.​—11/1, pages 18-21.

• What can a Christian elder learn from how an Israelite shepherd used a curved staff?

A shepherd used a curved staff, or crook, to guide his flock. As sheep entered or left the pen, they would ‘pass under the crook’ and he could count them. (Lev. 27:32) A Christian shepherd likewise needs to know and keep track of the flock of God under his care.​—11/15, page 9.

• How can a mother show that she views cleanliness as important?

Food can get contaminated in various ways, so she washes her hands before handling food and keeps food covered. She keeps the house clean to avoid problems with rats, mice, and insects. Other steps include keeping clothes clean and regular washing and showering. Such steps are in harmony with the Bible.​—12/1, pages 9-11.