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Have You Set Aside Time for Bible Study?

Have You Set Aside Time for Bible Study?

Have You Set Aside Time for Bible Study?

LAST year, the Governing Body announced an adjustment to the congregation meeting schedule that allows more time for Bible study and discussion as a family. If you are a family head, make sure that a meaningful, regular family Bible study is conducted with your wife and children. Married couples without children will want to use this period to study the Bible together. Single brothers and sisters with no family responsibilities will be able to use this time well for personal Bible study.

Many have expressed appreciation for the arrangement of having a Family Worship evening. For example, Kevin, an elder, wrote: “The words ‘thank you’ are not strong enough to express how we in the congregation feel. As elders, we have discussed how we use the free night to do exactly as the Governing Body has asked​—to study with our families.”

Jodi, whose husband is an elder, wrote: “We have three daughters, aged 15, 11, and 2. We recently moved to a sign-language congregation. It takes a lot of time and effort to prepare for all the meetings. Now, with this adjustment, we have an additional evening that allows us to focus on family worship!”

John and JoAnn, a married couple serving as regular pioneers, wrote: “Our family Bible study has often been sporadic because we had to sandwich it in between various congregation activities. This new arrangement is a gift from Jehovah that spiritually refreshes us​—if we use the time in the way we are supposed to.”

Tony, a single brother in his mid-20’s, sets aside Tuesday evening as his personal study night. He uses other times of the week to prepare for congregation meetings. However, Tony says, “I especially look forward to Tuesday.” Why? “That evening is my special time with Jehovah.” Tony explains: “For about two hours, I study subjects that strengthen my relationship with Jehovah. Having more time for study allows me to linger on the Bible verses I read.” The result? “Jehovah’s counsel is sinking deeper into my heart than before.” Can he give an example? “In the Insight book, I read about the friendship between David and Jonathan. I learned much from Jonathan’s selfless disposition. His example helped me to see more clearly what it means to be a true friend. I really look forward to discovering many more of such gems on Tuesday nights!”

No doubt, all servants of Jehovah will benefit greatly from making good use of the additional time that is now available for meaningful Bible study and family worship.