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A Little Girl With a Big Heart

A Little Girl With a Big Heart

A Little Girl With a Big Heart

RECENTLY, on her own initiative, a nine-year-old girl in Brazil separated the money she had saved into two parts​—18 dollars and 25 dollars. She put the smaller amount into the contribution box at the local Kingdom Hall to help cover congregation expenses. Then she forwarded the larger portion to the branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses, along with a short letter. Her letter stated: “I want to make this donation to the worldwide work. My desire is to help many brothers and sisters around the world to preach the good news. I am giving it with great affection and love for Jehovah.”

The little girl’s parents have taught her the importance of having a personal share in the Kingdom-preaching work. They have also impressed upon her the need to ‘honor Jehovah with her valuable things.’ (Prov. 3:9) Like that little girl, may all of us have a zealous share in promoting Kingdom interests, both locally and globally!