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Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Have you appreciated reading the recent issues of The Watchtower? See if you can answer the following questions:

• Why did the Messiah have to die?

Jesus’ death proved that a perfect man can maintain godly devotion despite the severest of tests. Also, he paid the penalty for sin inherited by Adam’s offspring, opening the way to everlasting life.​—12/15, pages 22-23.

• What can help a person to keep alcohol in its place?

Prayer and Bible study can help. Cultivating self-control, sticking to one’s resolve, and choosing wholesome associates are vital. One who chooses to drink should set definite limits, learning to say no.​—1/1, pages 7-9.

• What does meaningful communication with children include?

More than just talking to them, it includes asking questions and patiently listening to their answers. Many have found that mealtimes afford good opportunities for communication.​—1/15, pages 18-19.

• Jehovah is perfect, so how is it that he can feel regret?

At times, God changes his attitude toward people. For example, more than once, the ancient Israelites left Jehovah and followed other gods. Jehovah then took away his protection. However, when the people felt sorry for their error and called to God for help, he changed his feelings toward them, or ‘felt regret.’ (Judg. 2:18)​—2/1, page 21.

• Under what circumstances might rebaptism be considered?

That would be the case if at the time of baptism, an individual had secretly been living in a situation or practicing something that could have resulted in his being disfellowshipped if he had already been validly baptized.​—2/15, page 22.

• What are three erroneous excuses that some give for dishonesty?

Some feel justified to steal because they are poor. Others excuse it by saying, “Everybody does it.” And some who have found valuables and kept them reasoned, “finders keepers.” The Bible does not support any of those excuses.​—3/1, pages 12-14.

• In Jesus’ parable of the wheat and the weeds, what does the sowing, or planting, of the fine seed represent?

The Son of man, Jesus, prepared the field during his earthly ministry. From Pentecost 33 C.E. on, the fine seed was sown when Christians were anointed as God’s sons, the sons of the Kingdom.​—3/15, page 20.

• How is the symbolic wheat of Jesus’ parable being brought into Jehovah’s storehouse? (Matt. 13:30)

The fulfillment has extended over a period of time during the conclusion of the system of things. The anointed sons of the Kingdom, the symbolic wheat, are being brought into Jehovah’s storehouse when they are brought into the restored Christian congregation or when they receive their heavenly reward.​—3/15, page 22.

• Who determined the canon of books comprising the Christian Greek Scriptures?

It was not some church council or religious leader. Rather, true Christians, under the guidance of God’s holy spirit, recognized the writings that were truly inspired. This accords with the fact that one of the miraculous gifts of the spirit given in the early decades of the Christian congregation was “discernment of inspired utterances.” (1 Cor. 12:4, 10)​—4/1, page 28.