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“Would You Please Take Our Picture?”

“Would You Please Take Our Picture?”

“Would You Please Take Our Picture?”

After the second day of a district convention, Josué, a Bethelite in Mexico, was touring the city of Querétaro. Colombian tourists Javier and Maru, a married couple, asked Josué to take their picture. Because he and his Witness friends were well-dressed and were wearing convention badges, the couple asked them if they had come from a graduation or another special occasion. Josué explained that they were attending a convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses and invited the couple to attend the Sunday session.

The couple felt that they would be too embarrassed to attend because they had no proper attire for such an occasion. Nonetheless, Josué gave them his name and the telephone number of the branch office where he served.

To Josué’s surprise, four months later he heard from Javier. The couple had attended the convention and now wanted to have Jehovah’s Witnesses visit them in Mexico City, where they were residing at the time. Soon a Bible study was started with Javier and Maru, and they immediately began attending meetings. Ten months later, they were publishers. Though the couple had to move to Toronto, Canada, they continued to make spiritual progress and were baptized.

Later, Josué received a letter from Javier explaining what had moved him to accept the truth. “Before attending the convention, my wife and I had spoken of our need for spiritual guidance. When we saw how well-dressed you were, we thought that you must have been to a very special meeting. At the convention, we were impressed by the loving way we were shown to our seats, by the help offered to follow along in the Bible, and by the conduct of those in attendance. It did not seem to matter that we were dressed as tourists.”

How true the words of wise King Solomon proved to be for Josué! Solomon wrote: “In the morning sow your seed and until the evening do not let your hand rest; for you are not knowing where this will have success, either here or there, or whether both of them will alike be good.” (Eccl. 11:6) Can you sow seed by using opportunities to tell others about an upcoming convention or a public talk? Jehovah may use you to attract those who are hungering and thirsting for spiritual guidance, as Javier and Maru were.​—Isa. 55:1.

[Picture on page 32]

Left to right: Alejandro Voeguelin, Maru Pineda, Alejandro Pineda, Javier Pineda, and Josué Ramírez at the Mexico branch