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Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Have you carefully read the recent issues of The Watchtower? See if you can answer the following questions:

Did Samson’s hair give him strength?

Samson’s hair in itself did not give him strength. His hair stood for the special relationship that he as a Nazirite had with God. That relationship was affected when Delilah had his hair shaved off.​—4/15, page 9.

In comparison with our literal heart, what three things can favorably impact our figurative heart?

(1) Nourishment. As our literal heart needs healthful food, we need sufficient amounts of wholesome spiritual food. (2) Exercise. Zealously sharing in the ministry can keep our spiritual heart in good condition. (3) Environment. We can reduce stress by associating with fellow believers, who care about us.​—4/15, page 16.

After one marriage partner has been unfaithful, how can mates rebuild trust?

They should (1) be honest with each other; (2) work as a team; (3) replace old habits with new ones; and (4) know when to let go of resentment, seeking to heal the breach.​—5/1, pages 12-15.

Why should a funeral speaker not apply Psalm 116:15 to the deceased?

The text says: “Precious in the eyes of Jehovah is the death of his loyal ones.” This means that God counts the death of all his loyal ones as too costly to let it occur. He will not permit his servants as a group to be removed from the earth.​—5/15, page 22.

Who were the colporteurs?

Before 1931, the term “colporteurs” was applied to those who are now called pioneers.​—5/15, page 31.

What are some factors showing that the Bible is not just another book written by men?

The Bible contains numerous prophecies that were fulfilled. It records accurate history, not myth. It is in accord with accurate science, and its books are harmonious. It is practical today.​—6/1, pages 4-8.

Who make up “all these kingdoms” mentioned at Daniel 2:44?

The reference is to the kingdoms, or governments, pictured by the various parts of the metal image explained by Daniel.​—6/15, page 17.

When did the Anglo-American World Power become the seventh world power of Bible prophecy?

This combined world power came into being when Britain and the United States acted together in a significant way during World War I.​—6/15, page 19.

How does God forgive and forget the sins of repentant ones?

Jehovah says of those he favors: “Their sin I shall remember no more.” (Jer. 31:34) He can forgive sins on the basis of the ransom. When he does, God forgets in the sense that he will not remember those sins in order to punish again.​—7/1, page 18.

Why can we believe the miracles recorded in the Bible?

Often they were performed in public, not in secret. They were marked by simplicity, with no special props. They were performed to bring glory to God, not to men. A great variety of miracles were performed, and opposers of the time did not question that they occurred. These are reasons for us to have confidence in the Bible’s record of miracles.​—8/1, pages 7-8.