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Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Have you carefully read the recent issues of The Watchtower? Well, see if you can answer the following questions:

When did Jesus ‘preach to the spirits in prison’? (1 Pet. 3:19)

It seems that some time after Jesus was resurrected, he proclaimed to the wicked spirits that due punishment would come on them.​—6/15, page 23.

What are three challenges to making a second marriage work?

They are: not letting an earlier marriage overshadow your current marriage; interacting with old friends who are unfamiliar with your new spouse; trusting your new mate even though your first spouse may have been disloyal.​—7/1, pages 9-10.

When does Jesus judge people as sheep or goats? (Matt. 25:32)

It will be when Jesus comes to judge people during the great tribulation, after the destruction of false religion.​—7/15, page 6.

When will lawless ones mentioned in the parable of the wheat and the weeds weep and gnash their teeth? (Matt. 13:36, 41, 42)

They will do so during the great tribulation when they realize that there is no escape from destruction.​—7/15, page 13.

Jesus’ words about the faithful and discreet slave find fulfillment when? (Matt. 24:45-47)

They began to be fulfilled, not at Pentecost 33 C.E., but after 1914. In 1919, the slave was appointed over the domestics, who include all Christians being fed spiritually.​—7/15, pages 21-23.

When does Jesus appoint the faithful slave over all his belongings?

That will be in the future, during the great tribulation when the faithful slave receives the heavenly reward.​—7/15, page 25.

Does the Bible leave some people unnamed because they were bad or insignificant?

We need not conclude that. The Bible leaves unnamed some who were good and some who were bad. (Ruth 4:1-3; Matt. 26:18) We are given the names of only two of the faithful angels.​—8/1, page 10.

In addition to power from God, what helped 230 Witnesses survive a long march from the Sachsenhausen concentration camp?

Though weakened by starvation and disease, they continually encouraged one another to keep going.​—8/15, page 18.

Why is the account of Israel’s crossing the Jordan River into the Promised Land encouraging to us?

Though the river was at flood stage, Jehovah stopped its flow so that his people could cross. That must have strengthened their faith and trust in him, and we can be heartened by the account.​—9/15, page 16.

What is evident from the Bible’s frequent mention of color?

The Bible’s use of color demonstrates that God understands that color can elicit an emotional response in humans and that color can help us remember things.​—10/1, pages 14-15.

How is the prophecy of Micah 5:5 about dukes and shepherds being fulfilled today?

We understand that the ‘seven shepherds and eight dukes’ mentioned at Micah 5:5 refer to the appointed elders in the congregation, who are strengthening God’s people for a foretold future attack against them.​—11/15, page 20.

What are some reasons why we need God?

We need good direction and answers to life’s problems, both of which God offers. He extends help for us to live well and be happy, and he will fulfill promises in his Word to make this possible.​—12/1, pages 4-6.