This issue contains the study articles for May 30 to June 26, 2016.

Being Faithful Leads to God’s Approval

What lessons do Christians learn from the Bible account of Jephthah and his daughter?

“Let Endurance Complete Its Work”

What is at stake when you face a test of endurance? And what outstanding examples of endurance can give you strength?

Why Should We Meet Together for Worship?

Your attendance affects you, it affects others, and it also affects Jehovah. Do you realize how?

Maintain Your Neutrality in a Divided World

Four keys can prepare you to meet unexpected challenges to your conscientious position.


Former Nuns Become True Spiritual Sisters

What moved them to leave their convents and then to abandon Catholicism?

Is Your Ministry Like the Dew?

How can your preaching activity be gentle, refreshing, and life-sustaining?