This issue contains the study articles for October 1-28, 2018.

Do You Have the Facts?

What three Bible principles can help us to evaluate information correctly?

Do Not Judge by the Outward Appearance

Learn three areas in which judging others by what appears to the eyes can be unwise.

Generous Givers Are Happy People

How is our generosity connected with our happiness?

Work With Jehovah Each Day

In what five ways can we be fellow workers with Jehovah?

Patience​—Endurance With a Purpose

Learn what godly patience means, how to develop it, and the benefits of doing so.

Questions From Readers

Why is it not permissible to post publications of Jehovah’s Witnesses on a personal website or social media?

Appointed Men​—Learn From Timothy

It seems that Timothy lacked self-confidence when he began working with the apostle Paul. What can congregation elders and ministerial servants learn from Timothy’s example?