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Questions From Readers

Questions From Readers

Why is no one allowed to post publications of Jehovah’s Witnesses on other websites or on social media?

Some people think that because we offer our publications without charge, they can copy or post them on other websites or on social media. But this can cause serious problems and goes against the Terms of Use * (see footnote) for our websites. These Terms clearly say that no one is allowed to “post artwork, electronic publications, trademarks, music, photos, videos, or articles from this website on the Internet (any website, file-sharing site, video-sharing site, or social network).” Why are these rules necessary?

All material on our websites is copyrighted, which means that it is protected by the law. This is important because it helps to prevent misuse. Apostates and other people who want to harm our work sometimes put our publications on their websites to attract the attention of Jehovah’s Witnesses and others. But on those sites they also put material that creates doubts in people’s minds. (Psalm 26:4; Proverbs 22:5) Others have used our material or our logo in advertisements, in mobile apps, and on products they sell. But because our material and our logo are protected by the law, we can go to court and stop them from doing so. (Proverbs 27:12) But the courts may not support us if we allow some people, even our brothers, to post our publications on other websites or to use the logo to sell products.

If we download our publications from anywhere but, it could be dangerous. Jehovah gives us spiritual food only through “the faithful and discreet slave.” (Matthew 24:45) That “slave” uses only its official websites to provide spiritual food​—,, and And we have only three official apps for mobile devices​—JW Language®, JW Library®, and JW Library Sign Language®. On these sites and in these apps, we will not find any advertisements or anything from Satan’s world. But if we get our publications from another website or app, there is the danger that they may have been changed in some way.​—Psalm 18:26; 19:8.

In addition, if we post our material on websites where people can make comments, this allows apostates and others to criticize Jehovah’s organization. Some brothers then argue with these people, and that brings even more dishonor to Jehovah. Such discussions on the Internet are not the proper way to correct someone’s thinking and help him understand the truth. (1 Timothy 6:3-5; 2 Timothy 2:23-25) Also, some people create websites and social media accounts that seem as if they are from the organization or from brothers of the Governing Body. But these are fake. No member of the Governing Body has a personal Web page or an account on any social media site.

When we direct people to, we support the preaching of the “good news.” (Matthew 24:14) Our websites and apps are getting better and better. We want everyone to benefit from them. So we are allowed to e-mail others a copy of a publication or send them a link to our website. In this way we guide people to the only source through which Jehovah gives spiritual food, “the faithful and discreet slave.”

^ par. 1 You can find a link to the Terms of Use at the bottom of the home page on These rules apply to everything that is available on our websites.