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Work With Jehovah Each Day

Work With Jehovah Each Day

“We are God’s fellow workers.”​—1 CORINTHIANS 3:9.

SONGS: 64, 111

1. In what ways can we work with Jehovah?

WHEN Jehovah created humans, he wanted them to be his fellow workers. Even though humans today are imperfect, faithful people can still work with Jehovah each day. For example, we are “God’s fellow workers” when we preach the good news of his Kingdom and make disciples. (1 Corinthians 3:5-9) It is a very great honor that the almighty Creator has chosen us to do a work that is so important! Still, preaching is not the only way that we work with Jehovah. In this article, we will learn how we also work with him when we help our family and those in the congregation, when we are hospitable, when we help with projects the organization is doing around the world, and when we expand our service to Jehovah.​—Colossians 3:23.

2. Why should we never compare what we do for Jehovah with what others do?

2 As we study this article, it is important for us to remember that everyone is different. Our age, health, circumstances, and abilities are not the same. So do not compare what you can do for Jehovah with what others can do. The apostle Paul said: “Let each one examine his own actions, and then he will have cause for rejoicing in regard to himself alone, and not in comparison with the other person.”​—Galatians 6:4.


3. Why can we say that everyone who cares for his family is working with God?

3 Jehovah expects us to care for our families. For example, you may have to earn money for the needs of your family. Many mothers have to stay home to be with their young children. And when our parents cannot take care of themselves, we may have to take care of them. These are necessary things. The Bible says: “If anyone does not provide for those who are his own, and especially for those who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith.” (1 Timothy 5:8) If you have family responsibilities, you may not be doing as much for Jehovah as you would like to do. But do not be discouraged! Jehovah is pleased when you provide for your family.​—1 Corinthians 10:31.

4. How can parents put Kingdom interests first, and what happens when they do?

4 Christian parents can work with Jehovah by helping their children to have goals in Jehovah’s service. Many parents have done this. As a result, their sons and daughters later decided to serve Jehovah full-time, even far away from home. Some are missionaries, others pioneer where there is a great need for publishers, and others serve at Bethel. Of course, when the children are far away, parents cannot spend as much time with them as they would like to. But they unselfishly encourage their children to continue serving Jehovah wherever they are. Why? Because they are very happy that their children are putting Jehovah first in their life. (3 John 4) Many of those parents feel like Hannah, who said that she “lent” her son Samuel to Jehovah. They feel it is a great honor to work with Jehovah in this way.​—1 Samuel 1:28.

5. How can you help brothers and sisters in your congregation? (See opening picture.)

5 If you do not have urgent family responsibilities, can you help brothers or sisters who are sick or elderly or who have other needs? Or can you help those who take care of them? Look for those in your congregation who may need such help. For example, maybe there is a sister who is taking care of her elderly parent. Could you spend time with her parent so that she can give attention to other matters? Or maybe you could help someone by offering to take him to the meetings, to go shopping, or to visit someone in the hospital. When you do that, you might be working with Jehovah to answer a prayer.​—Read 1 Corinthians 10:24.


6. How can we be hospitable?

We should help others whenever we have an opportunity to do so

6 God’s fellow workers are known for being hospitable. In the Bible, the Greek word used for “hospitality” means “kindness to strangers.” (Hebrews 13:2; footnote) In God’s Word, we can read about examples that teach us how we can show this kindness. (Genesis 18:1-5) We can and should help others whenever we have an opportunity to do so, whether they are “related to us in the faith” or not.​—Galatians 6:10.

7. What are the benefits when you are hospitable to full-time servants?

7 Can you work with Jehovah by being hospitable to full-time servants who need a place to stay? (Read 3 John 5, 8.) When we do so, they benefit and so do we. The Bible calls that “an interchange of encouragement.” (Romans 1:11, 12) Consider the experience of Olaf. When he was young, a single circuit overseer visited his congregation and needed a place to stay, but nobody in the congregation could help him. Olaf asked his parents, who were not Witnesses, if the circuit overseer could stay in their home. They said yes but told Olaf he would have to sleep on the couch. That is what Olaf did, and he did not regret it. He had a wonderful week with the circuit overseer! Early each morning they got up and discussed many interesting topics while they ate breakfast. The circuit overseer encouraged Olaf so much that he decided to start serving Jehovah full-time. For the past 40 years, Olaf has served as a missionary in several countries.

8. Why should we be kind even if others are not grateful at first? Give an example.

8 We can show love to strangers in many ways, even if they are not grateful at first. For example, a sister in Spain studied the Bible with Yesica, a woman from Ecuador. One day during the Bible study, Yesica could not stop crying. So the sister asked her why. Yesica said that before she came to Spain, she was very poor. One day she did not have any food to give to her daughter, only water. Yesica prayed for help while she tried to put her baby to sleep. Soon after, two Witnesses visited Yesica and gave her a magazine. But she was rude to them and tore up the magazine, saying: “Is this the food you want me to give to my daughter?” The sisters tried to comfort her, but Yesica did not listen. Later, the sisters left a basket of food at her door. Now, during the study, she was crying because she realized that she had ignored God’s answer to her prayer. But Yesica was determined to serve Jehovah. Clearly, good results came from the generosity of those sisters.​—Ecclesiastes 11:1, 6.


9, 10. (a) What were some opportunities the Israelites had to volunteer? (b) In what ways can brothers help in the congregation today?

9 In the past, the Israelites had many different opportunities to volunteer. (Exodus 36:2; 1 Chronicles 29:5; Nehemiah 11:2) Today, you also have many opportunities to volunteer your time, material things, and skills to help your brothers and sisters. When you do so, you will be very joyful and Jehovah will bless you.

10 God’s Word encourages men in the congregation to work with Jehovah by serving others as ministerial servants and elders. (1 Timothy 3:1, 8, 9; 1 Peter 5:2, 3) Those who do this want to help others in practical ways as well as in their worship. (Acts 6:1-4) Have the elders asked you to be an attendant or to help with literature, territories, maintenance, or something else? Brothers who help in these ways say that they enjoy it very much.

Those who volunteer to work on projects for the organization often make new friends (See paragraph 11)

11. How has one sister benefited from working on construction projects?

11 Those who volunteer to work on construction projects often make new friends. One sister named Margie has worked on Kingdom Hall construction projects for 18 years. On these projects, she has taken an interest in younger sisters and helped to train them. She says that this is an excellent way for volunteers to encourage one another. (Romans 1:12) In fact, when she experienced difficult times in her life, the friends she has made on these projects encouraged her. Have you ever volunteered for a construction project? You can work on a project even if you do not have a particular skill.

12. How can you help after a disaster?

12 We can also work with Jehovah by helping our brothers after a disaster. For example, we can donate money. (John 13:34, 35; Acts 11:27-30) Another way we can help is by cleaning up or repairing damage after the disaster. Gabriela, a sister from Poland whose house was badly damaged by a flood, was so glad to see brothers from nearby congregations come to help her. When she thinks about that experience, she says that she does not worry about all the material things she lost, but instead she focuses on what she gained. She says: “This experience reassured me that being a part of the Christian congregation is a unique privilege as well as a source of joy and happiness.” Many who receive help after a disaster say that they feel the same way. And those who work with Jehovah to help these brothers feel very happy and satisfied.​—Read Acts 20:35; 2 Corinthians 9:6, 7.

13. How do we strengthen our love for Jehovah when we volunteer? Give an example.

13 A sister named Stephanie and other publishers in her area worked with God by helping Witnesses who fled to the United States because of war in their country. They helped these refugees to find homes and get furniture. She says: “We were moved by their joy and appreciation as they experienced the love of their worldwide brotherhood. The families think that we have helped them, but in reality, they have helped us much more. The love, unity, faith, and reliance on Jehovah that we have witnessed have truly strengthened our love for Jehovah, and this has given us a deeper appreciation for all that we receive through his organization.”


14, 15. (a) What attitude did the prophet Isaiah have? (b) How can Christians imitate Isaiah’s attitude?

14 Would you like to work with Jehovah even more? Would you be willing to move where more publishers are needed? Of course, we do not have to move far away to be generous. But there are some brothers and sisters who can. They have an attitude similar to that of the prophet Isaiah. When Jehovah asked, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” he said: “Here I am! Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8) Are you willing and able to help Jehovah’s organization? What are some ways you can help?

15 Jesus said about preaching and making disciples: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. Therefore, beg the Master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest.” (Matthew 9:37, 38) Can you serve as a pioneer in a place where more publishers are needed? Or can you help someone else to do so? Many brothers and sisters feel that the best way to show their love for God and their neighbor is to pioneer where more publishers are needed. Can you think of other ways to do more in your service? If you do so, you will be very happy.

16, 17. What are some other ways you can expand your service to Jehovah?

16 Are you willing to serve at Bethel or help with construction projects, either as a temporary worker or for one or more days a week? Jehovah’s organization always needs people who are willing to serve wherever they are needed and who will do whatever they are asked to do even if they have experience in a different type of work. Jehovah values everyone who is willing to make sacrifices and serve wherever there is a need.​—Psalm 110:3.

17 Would you like to have more training so that you can serve Jehovah more fully? Perhaps you could apply for the School for Kingdom Evangelizers. This school trains mature brothers and sisters who are already serving Jehovah full-time, so that Jehovah’s organization can use them to do more. Those who attend this school have to be willing to serve wherever they are sent. Would you be willing to do more for Jehovah in this way?​—1 Corinthians 9:23.

18. What are the benefits of working with Jehovah each day?

18 Because we are Jehovah’s people, we are generous, good, kind, and loving. We care about others each and every day. This brings us joy, peace, and happiness. (Galatians 5:22, 23) No matter what your circumstances are, you will be happy as long as you imitate Jehovah’s generous personality and are one of his precious fellow workers!​—Proverbs 3:9, 10.