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How to Make Your Study of the Bible More Effective and Enjoyable

How to Make Your Study of the Bible More Effective and Enjoyable

JOSHUA had to lead the nation of Israel into the Promised Land. This was going to be very difficult. However, Jehovah strengthened and encouraged him by saying: “Be courageous and very strong.” He told Joshua that if he read and obeyed the Law, then he would make wise decisions and be successful.​—Joshua 1:7, 8.

We live in “critical times hard to deal with,” so our life can also be difficult. (2 Timothy 3:1) If we want to be successful like Joshua, we need to follow the advice Jehovah gave him. We need to read the Bible regularly and use what we learn to make good decisions.

But some of us may not know how to study, or we may not enjoy studying. Yet, personal Bible study is very important. As you review the box “ Try These Suggestions,” you will find tips that will help you benefit from your study and enjoy it even more.

The psalmist sang: “Guide me in the pathway of your commandments, for in it I take delight.” (Psalm 119:35) You too can enjoy studying God’s Word. You will discover many beautiful thoughts as you continue to study the Bible.

Although you do not have to lead a nation as Joshua did, you do have your own difficulties. So, like Joshua, study and obey God’s Word. If you do, you will make wise decisions and be successful.