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Questions From Readers

Questions From Readers

If a man and a woman who are not married to each other spend the night together without valid reasons, is this evidence that they have sinned and that a judicial committee should be formed?

Yes, spending the night alone together without valid reasons is strong evidence that they committed sexual immorality. Therefore, unless there are valid reasons, a judicial committee should be formed.​—1 Corinthians 6:18.

The body of elders carefully considers each situation to determine if a judicial committee is necessary. For example: Have the couple been dating? Have the elders counseled them in the past about the way they behave toward each other? Why did they spend the night together? Did they plan ahead to do so? Did they have another option, or did something happen that was beyond their control, such as an unexpected event or an emergency that left them with no choice but to spend the night together? (Ecclesiastes 9:11) Where did they sleep? Each situation is different, so there may be other information that will affect the decision of the elders.

After the body of elders considers all the information, it will decide whether a judicial committee should be formed.