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“Let Your Light Shine” to Glorify Jehovah

“Let Your Light Shine” to Glorify Jehovah

“Let your light shine before men, so that they may . . . give glory to your Father.”​—MATTHEW 5:16.

SONGS: 77, 59

1. What special reason do we have to be happy?

WE ARE so excited to hear how God’s servants are letting their light shine! Last year, Jehovah’s people conducted more than 10,000,000 Bible studies. And millions of newly interested ones came to the Memorial and learned about Jehovah’s loving gift of the ransom.​—1 John 4:9.

2, 3. (a) What does not stop us from “shining as illuminators”? (b) What will we discuss in this article?

2 All over the earth, Jehovah’s Witnesses speak many different languages. But this does not stop us from praising Jehovah as one united family. (Revelation 7:9) No matter what language we speak or where we live, we can shine “as illuminators in the world.”​—Philippians 2:15.

3 Our ministry, our Christian unity, and our sense of urgency all bring glory to Jehovah. How can we let our light shine in these three areas?​—Read Matthew 5:14-16.


4, 5. (a) In addition to preaching, how can we let our light shine? (b) What good results come from kindness? (See opening picture.)

4 Preaching and making disciples is an important way we let our light shine. (Matthew 28:19, 20) In 1925, the article “Light in the Darkness” stated that during the last days, no one could be faithful to the Lord if he did not take “the opportunity of letting his light shine.” Then it said: “He must do this by telling the good news to the peoples of the earth, and by conforming himself to the ways of light.” (The Watch Tower, June 1, 1925) In addition to our preaching, our conduct brings glory to Jehovah. Many people notice us when we preach. When we smile at them and say a warm hello, it helps them think well of us and the God we worship.

Our preaching and our conduct bring glory to Jehovah

5 Jesus told his disciples: “When you enter the house, greet the household.” (Matthew 10:12) In the area where Jesus preached, it was the custom for people to invite strangers into their home. In many places today, this is no longer the custom. People are often nervous or irritated when they see a stranger at their door. But if we are friendly and kind, they may feel more relaxed. When you are doing public witnessing using a literature cart, have you ever noticed that if you smile and greet people in a friendly way, they feel more comfortable coming and taking a publication? They may even want to start a conversation!

6. What helps one older couple stay active in the ministry?

6 An older couple in England can no longer preach from house to house as much as they used to because their health is not very good. So they set up a table with literature just outside their house. They live near a school, so they put out literature that will appeal to the parents who come to pick up their children. Some parents have taken these publications, including Questions Young People Ask​—Answers That Work, Volumes 1 and 2. A pioneer sister often joins the couple. The parents notice that she is friendly and that the couple really want to help others. One parent has even started to study the Bible.

7. How can you help refugees in your area?

7 Recently, many have had to flee from their homeland and now live in other countries as refugees. What can you do to help refugees in your area learn about Jehovah? First, you could learn how to say hello in their language. In addition, by using the JW Language app, you could learn a few phrases that might make them want to stop and talk with you. Then, you could show them videos and publications that are available in their language on​—Deuteronomy 10:19.

8, 9. (a) How do our midweek meetings help us? (b) How can parents help their children to improve their comments at meetings?

8 Jehovah gives us exactly what we need to be effective when we preach. For example, what we learn at the Life and Ministry Meeting helps us feel more confident about making return visits and starting Bible studies.

9 When visitors come to our meetings, they are often impressed with the comments that our children make. You can teach your children to comment in their own words. Some people have been drawn to the truth when they heard children express their faith in a simple and sincere way.​—1 Corinthians 14:25.


10. How can family worship help families to be more united?

10 When we try hard to train our family to work together in unity and peace, we bring glory to Jehovah. For example, if you are a parent, arrange to have a regular Family Worship evening. Many families watch JW Broadcasting together, and afterward they discuss how they can use what they learned. Remember that the guidance a young child needs is different from the guidance a teenager needs. Do all you can to help each member of your family really benefit from family worship.​—Psalm 148:12, 13.

It is good for us to spend time with older ones (See paragraph 11)

11-13. How can we help our congregation to be more united?

11 Even if you are young, you can help to make everyone in the congregation feel needed. One way is by making friends with older brothers and sisters. Ask them what has helped them to keep serving Jehovah over many years. They can teach you very valuable lessons. This will encourage both them and you! And all of us, whether we are young or old, can make visitors to our Kingdom Hall feel welcome. You can say hello, give them a nice smile, help them find a seat, and introduce them to others. Make them feel at home.

12 If you are assigned to conduct meetings for field service, you can help older ones keep their light shining brightly. Make sure that they have suitable territory. Arrange for younger people to work with them. Older brothers and sisters and those with health problems often feel discouraged that they cannot preach as much as they used to. But they will feel much better when they know that you care about them and understand their situation. No matter how old they are or how long they have been in the truth, your kindness can encourage them to keep preaching with zeal.​—Leviticus 19:32.

Can you get to know the brothers in your congregation better?

13 The Israelites enjoyed worshipping Jehovah together. The psalmist wrote: “How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!” (Read Psalm 133:1, 2.) He compared this unity to anointing oil, which refreshes the skin and smells good. In a similar way, we can refresh our brothers and sisters by being pleasant and kind. This makes the congregation more united. Can you get to know the brothers in your congregation better?​—2 Corinthians 6:11-13; footnote.

14. How can you let your light shine in the area where you live?

14 Your light can shine no matter where you are. Your kindness could make your neighbors want to learn more about Jehovah. Ask yourself: ‘What do my neighbors think about me? Is my home neat and clean? Does it make the neighborhood look better? Am I a helpful neighbor?’ Ask other Witnesses how their kindness and good example have affected their relatives, neighbors, workmates, or schoolmates.​—Ephesians 5:9.


15. Why do we need to keep on the watch?

15 If we want to keep our light shining brightly, we need to be aware of the time in which we live. Several times, Jesus told his disciples: “Keep on the watch.” (Matthew 24:42; 25:13; 26:41) If we feel that the “great tribulation” is still far away, we will not be alert to every opportunity to help others learn about Jehovah. (Matthew 24:21) Instead of shining brightly, our light will gradually become weaker and may even disappear.

16, 17. What can you do to keep your sense of urgency?

16 We need to keep on the watch now more than ever before. Conditions in the world continue to get worse. But we know that the end will come at the exact time Jehovah has chosen. (Matthew 24:42-44) In the meantime, we need to be patient and focus on our future. Read the Bible every day, and never stop praying to Jehovah. (1 Peter 4:7) Learn from brothers and sisters who have served Jehovah for years. For example, you can read life experiences, such as the article “Seventy Years of Holding On to the Skirt of a Jew,” published in The Watchtower of April 15, 2012, pages 18-21.

17 Stay busy serving Jehovah. Do kind things for others, and spend time with your brothers and sisters. Then you will be happy, and it will seem that time is passing quickly. (Ephesians 5:16) Jehovah’s servants have accomplished so much over the past one hundred years. And today, we are busier than ever. Jehovah’s work has grown as we could never have imagined. Our light is shining brightly!

During shepherding visits, we can benefit from God’s wisdom (See paragraphs 18, 19)

18, 19. How can elders help us to serve Jehovah with zeal? Give an example.

18 Even though we make many mistakes, Jehovah allows us to serve him. To help us, he provides “gifts in men,” the congregation elders. (Read Ephesians 4:8, 11, 12.) So when the elders visit you, take advantage of the time you have with them to learn from their wisdom and advice.

19 For example, a couple in England had some difficulties in their marriage, and they asked two elders for help. The wife felt that her husband was not taking the lead in serving Jehovah. The husband felt that he was not a good teacher and admitted that he was not arranging for regular family worship. The elders helped the couple think about Jesus’ example. They encouraged the husband to imitate the way Jesus took care of his disciples. They encouraged the wife to be patient with her husband. They also made some suggestions about how the couple could have family worship with their two children. (Ephesians 5:21-29) The husband worked hard to become a better family head. The elders encouraged him not to give up and to keep relying on Jehovah’s spirit. The love and kindness that the elders showed really helped that family!

20. What will be the result when you let your light shine?

20 “Happy is everyone who fears Jehovah, who walks in His ways.” (Psalm 128:1) You will be happy when you let your light shine. So teach others about God, do all you can to help your family and congregation be united, and keep on the watch. Others will see your good example and will also want to give glory to our Father, Jehovah.​—Matthew 5:16.