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Study Tip

Study Tip

Are you benefiting from the Bible-verse explanations found in the Research Guide for Jehovah’s Witnesses?

These explanations can help you dig deeper into God’s Word. They may include details about the historical setting of a Bible verse, why it was written, to whom it applied, or the meaning of specific words or phrases.

Both Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY and JW Library® allow you to access Research Guide references directly from a Bible verse. You can find these references in the study pane of any of the Bible versions available there.

When using these references, pay attention to the date. The newest articles display at the top. Further down the list, older articles may contain an understanding that has since been clarified.

  • Research Guide verse references are automatically available in Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY.

  • To enable verse references in JW Library, install the Research Guide and download updates when available. This can be done using the button at the top of the study pane of any chapter in the Bible.