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Subject Index for The Watchtower 2017

Subject Index for The Watchtower 2017

Indicating the issue in which each article appears


  • Another Bit of Evidence (Tattenai existed), No. 3

  • Elias Hutter and His Hebrew Bibles, No. 4

  • Get More From Reading the Bible, No. 1

  • Misunderstandings About, No. 1

  • Why So Many? No. 6


  • For Me, God Did Not Exist (A. Golec), No. 5

  • I Did Not Want to Die! (Y. Quarrie), No. 1

  • I Loved Baseball More Than Anything! (S. Hamilton), No. 3


  • Benefits of Giving, No. 2

  • Is Celibacy a Requirement for Ministers? No. 2

  • Is Christmas for Christians? No. 6

  • Love​—A Precious Quality, Aug.

  • Proper View of Mistakes, No. 6

  • Resolve Conflicts and Promote Peace, June

  • When Friendship Is in Danger, Mar.

  • Winning the Battle for Your Mind, July


  • Accept God’s Greatest Gift? No. 2

  • Cause of Suffering? No. 1


  • Adjusting to Your New Congregation, Nov.

  • “Generous Person Will Be Blessed” (contributions), Nov.

  • Joy of Leading a Simple Life, May

  • “No Road Too Rough or Too Long” (Australia), Feb.

  • Offered Selves in Turkey, July

  • Offered Selves Willingly (single sisters), Jan.

  • One Act of Christian Kindness, Oct.

  • “When Are We Going to Have Another Assembly?” (Mexico), Aug.

  • ‘With More Zeal and Love Than Ever’ (1922 convention), May


  • Illustration About “Little Dogs” Insulting? No. 5

  • What Did Jesus Really Look Like? No. 6


  • Being Deaf Has Not Held Me Back From Teaching Others (W. Markin), May

  • Blessings Come From Doing What Jehovah Asks (O. Matthews), Oct.

  • Determined to Be a Soldier of Christ (D. Psarras), Apr.

  • Endurance Under Trial Results in Blessings (P. Sivulsky), Aug.

  • I Have Been Blessed to Work With Spiritual Men (D. Sinclair), Sept.

  • I Have Benefited From Walking With Wise Ones (W. Samuelson), Mar.

  • Leaving Things Behind to Follow the Master (F. Fajardo), Dec.

  • We Experienced God’s Undeserved Kindness in Many Ways (D. Guest), Feb.


  • Angels Real? No. 5

  • Anxiety, No. 4

  • Best Gift of All, No. 6

  • Bible Name on Ancient Jar, Mar.

  • “Blessed Be Your Good Sense!” (Abigail), June

  • Escape From Slavery, No. 2

  • Ever Be Peace on Earth? No. 5

  • Ever Be True Justice on Earth? No. 3

  • Four Horsemen, No. 3

  • God Called Her “Princess” (Sarah), No. 5

  • Hebrew’s Smallest Letter, No. 4

  • “He Had Pleased God Well” (Enoch), No. 1

  • How Gaius Helped His Brothers, May

  • How Was Fire Transported in Ancient Times? Jan.

  • Joseph of Arimathea, Oct.

  • Living in “the Last Days”? No. 2

  • Look Beyond Outward Appearances, June

  • Paradise on Earth​—Fantasy or Reality? No. 4

  • Paul’s Counsel to Delay Voyage (Ac 27), No. 5

  • Suffering, No. 1

  • Were Merchants Who Sold Animals in Temple “Robbers”? June

  • “What a Beautiful Woman You Are” (Sarah), No. 3

  • What Is Armageddon? No. 6

  • What Jewish Practice Caused Jesus to Condemn the Swearing of Oaths? Oct.

  • What the Bible Says About Life and Death, No. 4

  • When a Loved One Is Terminally Ill, No. 4


  • Jehovah “will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear” (1Co 10:13), Feb.

  • Keep a firearm for protection from humans? July

  • Line leading to Messiah tied to right of firstborn? Dec.

  • Married Christians view IUD as compatible with the Scriptures? Dec.

  • Why do Matthew’s and Luke’s accounts about Jesus’ early life differ? Aug.


  • Are You Taking Refuge in Jehovah? Nov.

  • Are You Willing to Wait Patiently? Aug.

  • “Be Courageous . . . and Go to Work,” Sept.

  • Chariots and a Crown Safeguard You, Oct.

  • Cultivate Self-Control, Sept.

  • Do Not Let Your Love Grow Cold, May

  • “Do You Love Me More Than These?” May

  • Do You Share Jehovah’s Sense of Justice? Apr.

  • Exercise Faith​—Decide Wisely! Mar.

  • Give Honor to Whom It Is Due, Mar.

  • Helping “Foreign Residents” to “Serve Jehovah With Rejoicing,” May

  • Helping the Children of “Foreign Residents,” May

  • How We Put On and Keep On the New Personality, Aug.

  • How We Strip Off and Keep Off the Old Personality, Aug.

  • “I Have Hope Toward God,” Dec.

  • “I Know He Will Rise,” Dec.

  • Imitate Jehovah’s Compassion, Sept.

  • Imitate Jehovah’s Justice and Mercy, Nov.

  • Jehovah Leads His People, Feb.

  • Jehovah Provides Comfort in All Our Trials, June

  • Jehovah’s Purpose Will Be Fulfilled! Feb.

  • Keep Your Eyes on the Big Issue, June

  • Let Nothing Deprive You of the Prize, Nov.

  • “Love . . . in Deed and Truth,” Oct.

  • Make a Joyful Sound! Nov.

  • “May He . . . Give Success to All Your Plans,” July

  • May Your Volunteer Spirit Bring Praise to Jehovah! Apr.

  • Parents​—Help Your Children Become “Wise for Salvation,” Dec.

  • “Praise Jah!”​—Why? July

  • Reject Worldly Thinking, Nov.

  • Seeking Riches That Are True, July

  • Serve Jehovah With a Complete Heart! Mar.

  • Set Your Heart on Spiritual Treasures, June

  • “The Judge of All the Earth” Always Does What Is Right, Apr.

  • “The Peace of God . . . Surpasses All Understanding,” Aug.

  • The Ransom​—A “Perfect Present” From the Father, Feb.

  • “These Things Entrust to Faithful Men,” Jan.

  • The Truth Brings, “Not Peace, But a Sword,” Oct.

  • “The Word of God . . . Exerts Power,” Sept.

  • “The Word of Our God Endures Forever,” Sept.

  • Treasure Your Gift of Free Will, Jan.

  • “Trust in Jehovah and Do What Is Good,” Jan.

  • Uphold Jehovah’s Sovereignty! June

  • Visions of Zechariah​—How They Affect You, Oct.

  • “Weep With Those Who Weep,” July

  • What Will Go When God’s Kingdom Comes? Apr.

  • “What You Vow, Pay,” Apr.

  • Who Is Leading God’s People Today? Feb.

  • Why Modesty Still Matters, Jan.

  • Will You Apply Your Heart to the Things Written? Mar.

  • You Can Remain Modest Under Test, Jan.

  • Young Ones​—“Keep Working Out Your Own Salvation,” Dec.