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SONG 35 “Make Sure of the More Important Things”

Make Decisions That Please Jehovah

Make Decisions That Please Jehovah

“The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Most Holy One is understanding.”​—PROV. 9:10.


How to use knowledge, understanding, and discernment to make wise decisions.

1. What challenge do we all face?

 EVERY DAY we need to make decisions. Some are relatively easy to make, such as what to have for breakfast or when to go to bed. Other matters are more difficult to decide. They may affect our health, our happiness, our loved ones, or our worship. We want our decisions to benefit us and our family. Above all, we hope that our decisions will please Jehovah.​—Rom. 12:1, 2.

2. What steps will help you make wise decisions?

2 You are more likely to make a wise decision if you (1) get the facts, (2) consider Jehovah’s thinking on the matter, and (3) weigh the options. This article will discuss those steps, and it will also help us see how we can train our powers of discernment.​—Prov. 2:11.


3. Illustrate why you need to get the facts before you make a decision.

3 The first step toward making a good decision is to get the facts. Why is this important? Imagine that a patient consults a doctor regarding a serious medical problem. Would the doctor make a decision about a course of treatment without first examining the patient or asking him questions? Certainly not. You too will make better decisions if you first consider the facts that have a bearing on the situation at hand. How can you do that?

4. In harmony with Proverbs 18:13, how can you make sure that you know the facts? (See also picture.)

4 You can often get the facts by asking questions. Suppose you are invited to a social gathering. Should you attend? If you are not acquainted with the host or the arrangements, you will need to ask him such questions as: “Where and when will the gathering be held? How large will it be? Who will supervise it? Who will attend? What activities are planned? Will alcoholic drinks be served?” The answers to these questions will help you to make a wise decision.​—Read Proverbs 18:13.

Get the facts by asking questions (See paragraph 4) a

5. What should you do once you have the facts?

5 Next, facts in hand, look carefully at the full picture. For example, what if you learn that individuals who have no regard for Bible principles will attend the gathering or that alcoholic beverages will be served without supervision? Do you see the potential for this gathering to turn into a wild party? (1 Pet. 4:3) On the other hand, what if the timing of the gathering conflicts with your scheduled congregation meeting or field ministry? When you have seen the whole picture, you will be well on your way to making a good decision. But there is another step that you should take. You know how you see the situation; but how does Jehovah feel about it?​—Prov. 2:6.


6. According to James 1:5, why should we pray for Jehovah’s help?

6 Ask Jehovah to help you understand his thinking. Jehovah promises to give us the wisdom to discern whether a certain path will please him. He gives such wisdom “generously to all and without reproaching.”​—Read James 1:5.

7. How can you acquire Jehovah’s thinking? Illustrate.

7 Once you have prayed for Jehovah’s direction, pay careful attention to his answer. To illustrate: If you got lost while traveling, you might ask a local resident for help. But would you then walk away before he had a chance to reply? Of course not. You would listen carefully to his directions. Similarly, after you ask Jehovah for wisdom, try to discern his answer by finding out which Bible laws and principles apply to your situation. For example, when deciding whether to attend the social gathering mentioned earlier, you might consider what the Bible says about wild parties, bad associations, and the need to put Kingdom interests ahead of your personal preferences.​—Matt. 6:33; Rom. 13:13; 1 Cor. 15:33.

8. What can you do if you need help to find the information you are looking for? (See also picture.)

8 Still, at times you may need help to find the information you are looking for. You might get input from an experienced brother or sister. However, you will also benefit from doing your own research. There is a wealth of information in our study tools, such as the Research Guide for Jehovah’s Witnesses and Scriptures for Christian Living. Remember the goal: to make a decision that will please Jehovah.

Consider Jehovah’s thinking (See paragraph 8) b

9. How can we be sure that our decision will please Jehovah? (Ephesians 5:17)

9 How can we be sure that our decision will please Jehovah? First of all, we need to get to know him well. “Knowledge of the Most Holy One is understanding,” the Bible says. (Prov. 9:10) Yes, true understanding comes from knowing Jehovah’s qualities, his purpose, and what he loves or hates. Ask yourself, ‘Knowing what I do about Jehovah, what decision can I make that will please him?’​—Read Ephesians 5:17.

10. Why are Bible principles more important than family tradition or local culture?

10 In order to please Jehovah, we must at times disappoint those who are close to us. For example, some well-meaning parents may insist that their adult daughter marry a man who is financially well-off​—or one who can pay them a large dowry—​even though he is not spiritually strong. True, they want their daughter to be cared for materially, but who will help her to progress as a spiritual person? How does Jehovah view the matter? We find the answer at Matthew 6:33. There, Christians are urged to keep “seeking first the Kingdom.” Although we honor our parents and respect the people in our community, our main concern is to make Jehovah happy.


11. What quality discussed at Philippians 1:9, 10 will help you to weigh your options?

11 Once you have considered the Bible principles involved in your decision, you need to evaluate your options. (Read Philippians 1:9, 10; see study note on “full discernment.”) The quality of discernment will enable you to perceive the potential outcome of each option. Sometimes the decision can be easily made. But not all decisions are that straightforward. Discernment will help you to make wise decisions even in complex situations.

12-13. How can discernment help you make a wise decision regarding secular employment?

12 Consider this scenario. You are looking for a job to support your family. Two jobs are available. You review all the facts, taking note of the type of work, the schedule, the travel time, and so on. In both cases, the work itself is Scripturally acceptable. Perhaps you favor one option because you prefer the type of work or because the salary is higher. There are other factors, though, to consider before making a decision.

13 For example, would either job conflict with your congregation meeting schedule? Would either job cut into the time you need to care for your family’s emotional and spiritual needs? Asking such questions will help you to put “the more important things”​—your worship and your family’s needs—​ahead of material advantages. Then you can reach a decision that Jehovah will bless.

14. How will using discernment and showing love help us to avoid stumbling others?

14 Discernment also moves us to consider how our decision might affect other people so that we can avoid “stumbling others.” (Phil. 1:10) This is important when we make personal decisions in such areas as dress and grooming. For example, we may prefer a particular style of clothing or grooming. But what if others inside or outside the congregation would be offended by it? Discernment will help us to respect their feelings. Love will motivate us to seek the advantage of “the other person” and to be modest. (1 Cor. 10:23, 24, 32; 1 Tim. 2:9, 10) We will then make a decision that reflects our love and respect for others.

15. What planning is needed before implementing a major decision?

15 If you are making a major decision, think about what it would take to implement it. Jesus taught us to “calculate the expense.” (Luke 14:28) So consider the amount of time, resources, and effort that you would need to invest to make the decision work. In some cases, you might consult your family to determine what each member would need to do to support the decision. Why is this kind of planning valuable? It may reveal that your decision needs some adjustments or that a different option is more practical. And when you involve your family members and listen to their input, they will more readily work with you to make the decision succeed.​—Prov. 15:22.


16. What steps will help you to make a decision that will succeed? (See also the box “ How to Make Wise Decisions.”)

16 If you have followed the steps outlined above, you are ready to make a wise decision. You have obtained the facts and examined the principles that will help you make a decision that is pleasing to Jehovah. Now you can ask Jehovah to help you make your decision succeed.

17. What is the key to making good decisions?

17 Even if you have made many successful decisions in the past, remember that the key to making good decisions is to rely, not on your own intelligence or experience, but on the wisdom from Jehovah. He alone can give you true knowledge, understanding, and discernment​—the building blocks of wisdom. (Prov. 2:1-5) Jehovah can help you to make decisions that please him.​—Ps. 23:2, 3.

SONG 28 Gaining Jehovah’s Friendship

a PICTURE DESCRIPTION: Young brothers and sisters talk about a party invitation they received on their phones.

b PICTURE DESCRIPTION: One of the brothers does research before deciding whether to go to the party.