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“The Work Is Great”

“The Work Is Great”

IT IS time for a very important meeting in Jerusalem. King David has called together all his princes, court officials, and mighty men. They are thrilled to hear a special announcement. Jehovah has commissioned David’s son Solomon to build an extraordinary structure dedicated to the worship of the true God. Israel’s elderly king has received the architectural plan through inspiration and has given it to Solomon. “The work is great,” says David, “for it is not a temple for man but for Jehovah God.”​—1 Chron. 28:1, 2, 6, 11, 12; 29:1.

David next asks this question: “Now who volunteers to come forward today with a gift in hand for Jehovah?” (1 Chron. 29:5) If you had been there, how would you have responded? Would you have been moved to support this great work? The Israelites sprang into action. Indeed, they “rejoiced over making . . . voluntary offerings, for they made the voluntary offerings to Jehovah with a complete heart.”​—1 Chron. 29:9.

Centuries later, Jehovah set up something far greater than the temple. He established the great spiritual temple, the arrangement for humans to approach him in worship on the basis of Jesus’ sacrifice. (Heb. 9:11, 12) How is Jehovah helping people to become reconciled to him today? Through our disciple-making work. (Matt. 28:19, 20) As a result of this activity, each year millions of Bible studies are conducted, thousands of disciples are baptized, and hundreds of new congregations are formed.

In turn, such growth calls for the printing of more Bible literature, the building and maintaining of Kingdom Halls, and the acquiring of assembly and convention sites. Do you not agree that our activity in spreading the good news is a great and rewarding work?​—Matt. 24:14.

Love for God and neighbor and the urgency of the Kingdom-preaching work move God’s people “to come forward . . . with a gift in hand for Jehovah” by making voluntary donations. How thrilling it is to “honor Jehovah with [our] valuable things” and to see how such resources are used faithfully and discreetly to do the greatest work in human history!​—Prov. 3:9.