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Help to Study Regularly

Help to Study Regularly

DO YOU struggle to keep your personal Bible study both regular and enjoyable? We probably all do at times. But think about other things that we do regularly, such as bathing. Washing takes time and effort, but how refreshed we feel afterward! Bible study too can be like a refreshing “bath of water by means of the word.” (Eph. 5:26) Consider some suggestions that can help:

  • Make a schedule. Personal Bible study is among “the more important things” a Christian must not neglect. (Phil. 1:10) To help you follow your schedule, why not display it where it is readily visible, such as on a noticeboard or the fridge door? Or you may find it helpful to set an alarm on your electronic device shortly before study time.

  • Adapt to your needs. Is it easier for you to concentrate for a longer period of time or for several shorter periods of time? You know your circumstances best. Adapt your study sessions accordingly. If you feel reluctant when study time arrives, why not decide to study for just ten minutes? By studying for even that short time, you will have accomplished more than you might have otherwise. And once you get started, you may well be motivated to continue.​—Phil. 2:13.

  • Choose topics in advance. If you sit down and then wonder what to study, you may not be “making the best use of your time.” (Eph. 5:16) Why not keep a list of the articles or topics you would like to study? Whenever a question comes to mind, jot it down. And at the end of each study session, you might add other ideas to your list of what you would like to study.

  • Be flexible. Try to include some flexibility in your schedule, such as the amount of time you spend studying or the topics you choose. What counts is​—not when, how long, or what you study—​but how regularly you study.

We truly benefit from a regular study routine. We draw closer to Jehovah, we learn to act wisely, and we feel refreshed.​—Josh. 1:8.