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Research Tip

Research Tip

Children’s Activities

Parents have the weighty responsibility to teach their children about Jehovah. (Eph. 6:4) To help parents, Jehovah’s organization has published a wide range of material. How can you use it to train your children?

  • Find the material. JW.ORG contains all the items published for young people, including videos and written activities. a To find these, enter “Children” or “Teenagers” in the search bar.

  • Select appropriate items. What is published under the section “Children” can help you select activities appropriate for your child. To find such, search “Family Worship Projects.”

  • Stay involved. Avoid using our videos or printed activities just to occupy your child’s time and attention. Instead, discuss them with your child and help him to build his friendship with Jehovah.

a JW Library® currently contains all the videos for young people but only a limited set of written activities.