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To Our Readers

To Our Readers

To Our Readers

WE ARE pleased to inform you that beginning with this issue, there will be some changes in the format of The Watchtower. Before we explain what will be different, let us mention what will remain the same.

The name of this magazine, The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom, is unchanged. Hence, The Watchtower will continue to honor Jehovah as the true God and to comfort its readers with the good news of his Kingdom. The articles on pages 5 to 9 of this issue discuss what that Kingdom is and when it will come. In addition, The Watchtower will continue to promote faith in Jesus Christ, advocate Bible truth, and explain the meaning of world events in the light of Bible prophecies, as it has been doing for many decades.

What, then, will be different? Let us explain some of the exciting new features that will appear in the edition dated the 1st of each month. *

Several thought-provoking features will appear each month. The article “Did You Know?” will share interesting background information that sheds light on the meaning of selected Bible accounts. The article “Draw Close to God” will highlight what we can learn about Jehovah from specific Bible passages. The feature “Our Readers Ask” will discuss the answers to common Bible questions. For example, many people have wondered, “Is God’s Kingdom in your heart?” You will find the answer on page 13.

A number of regular features are designed to benefit families. The feature “Keys to Family Happiness,” which will appear four times a year, will present real-life scenarios of family problems and show how Bible principles can help to resolve the difficulties. “Teach Your Children,” an article for parents to read with their children, will appear every other month. Alternating with that will be “For Our Young People,” outlining a youth-oriented Bible study project.

A few additional features will appear four times a year. “Imitate Their Faith” will encourage us to follow the example of a Bible character. For instance, on pages 18 to 21 of this issue, you will read a moving account about the prophet Elijah and learn how we can imitate his faith. The feature “A Letter From . . . ” will present a first-person report from missionaries and others in various parts of the world. “What We Learn From Jesus” will feature basic Bible teachings in a simple format.

We are confident that The Watchtower will continue to appeal to readers who respect the Bible and who want to know what this book really teaches. It is our hope that this journal will help you to satisfy your thirst for Bible truth.



^ par. 4 The Watchtower will now be produced in two editions. The issue dated the 1st of the month will be produced for the general public. The issue dated the 15th will be a study edition that Jehovah’s Witnesses will use at their congregation meetings, which are open to the public.