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Who Is Qualified to Rule Mankind?

Who Is Qualified to Rule Mankind?

Special Public Discourse

Who Is Qualified to Rule Mankind?

What ruler can

• solve economic woes, guaranteeing abundant food and excellent housing for all people?

• prevent natural disasters, sparing humans the devastation caused by tsunamis, hurricanes, or earthquakes?

• eliminate all diseases, even restoring the aged to youthful vigor?

• put an end to all wars, enabling his subjects to live in peace and security?

• restore the earth’s ecology to perfect balance, transforming the earth into a paradise?

There is only one Ruler who can bring about all these blessings. Who is this Ruler? That question will be answered in the public discourse “Who Is Qualified to Rule Mankind?” This Bible talk will be given worldwide in over 230 lands. In most places, it will be delivered at the local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses on Sunday, April 6, 2008. The Witnesses in your area will be glad to provide you with the time and address. You are warmly invited to attend.