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Real Peace and Security—When?

Real Peace and Security—When?

Special Public Discourse

Real Peace and Security​—When?

For thousands of years, humans have sought peace and security. But real peace has eluded mankind. Why? The Bible gives two basic reasons why attaining peace has been so elusive. It also contains this heartwarming assurance: God has promised real and lasting worldwide peace and security for mankind.

How and when will this peace and security become a reality? What do you need to do in order to enjoy these blessed conditions? These questions will be answered in the public discourse “Real Peace and Security​—When?” This Bible-based talk will be given worldwide in over 230 lands. In most places, it will be delivered at the local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses on Sunday, April 18, 2010. The Witnesses in your area will be glad to provide you with the time and address. You are cordially invited to attend.