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Where Can We Find Help to Cope With Today’s Problems?

Where Can We Find Help to Cope With Today’s Problems?

Special Public Discourse

Where Can We Find Help to Cope With Today’s Problems?

There is no shortage of advice in today’s world. Books and TV programs dealing with self-help appeal to the masses. Yet, basic problems persist. You may wonder, ‘Is there a source of guidance that I can really trust?’ The answer is yes!

The Bible, although thousands of years old, contains timeless principles that can answer such questions as these:

▪ How can I resolve conflicts and enjoy better relationships with others?

▪ How can I find happiness?

▪ How can I deal with economic problems?

▪ How can I relieve anxiety?

The answers to these questions will be discussed in the public discourse “Bible Principles​—Can They Help Us to Cope With Today’s Problems?” This Bible-based talk will be given worldwide in over 230 lands. In most places, it will be delivered at the local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses on Sunday, May 1, 2011.

The Witnesses in your area will be glad to provide you with the time and address. You are warmly invited to attend.