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Learn From God’s Word

When Did Jesus Become King?

When Did Jesus Become King?

This article considers questions you may have raised and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. Jehovah’s Witnesses would be pleased to discuss these answers with you.

1. What kingdom was Jesus promised?

God promised that a descendant of King David would sit upon His throne to time indefinite. That foretold descendant is Jesus, and in heaven he is now reigning as King of God’s Kingdom.​—Read Psalm 89:4; Luke 1:32, 33.

When David was still a boy, God chose him to be king over Jehovah’s people, Israel. When David died, Solomon, whom Jehovah had chosen, sat upon “Jehovah’s throne.” (1 Chronicles 28:4, 5; 29:23) After Solomon died, many kings ruled in Jerusalem, but most were unfaithful. Finally, Jehovah allowed the armies of Babylon to destroy Jerusalem and to remove its reigning king. That happened in the year 607 B.C.E. Since that time, no king in David’s family line has ruled from the literal city of Jerusalem.​—Read Ezekiel 21:27.

2. For how long did the rulership that David and Jerusalem represented lie dormant?

Shortly after Jerusalem’s destruction, Jehovah told his prophet Daniel that God would choose a king who would rule from heaven. When would his rule begin?​—Read Daniel 7:13, 14.

Daniel interpreted a vision in which God ordered that an immense tree be cut down, just as God had ordered that the kingdom in Jerusalem be cut down and destroyed. But the tree’s root was to be left in the ground so that after “seven times” it would grow again. The Bible indicates that three and a half “times” equals 1,260 days, so “seven times” equals 2,520 days. (Revelation 12:6, 14) In Bible prophecy, days often represent years. (Numbers 14:34) So, God’s Kingdom would lie dormant for 2,520 years.​—Read Daniel 4:10-17.

3. When did Jesus become King?

God enthroned Jesus as King in heaven in 1914, exactly 2,520 years after Jerusalem’s destruction. Jesus’ first act as King was to expel Satan and his demons from heaven. (Revelation 12:7-10) That event was invisible to human eyes, but it resulted in a visible crisis for mankind. (Revelation 12:12) Events since 1914 confirm that Jesus became King in that year.​—Read Matthew 24:14; Luke 21:10, 11, 31.

4. What does Jesus’ kingship mean for you?

The fulfillment of prophecies about Jesus’ kingship proves that you can rely on God’s Word. Soon, Jesus will use his kingly power to relieve mankind of all suffering.​—Read Psalm 72:8, 12, 13; Daniel 2:44.

For more information, see pages 215-218 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah’s Witnesses.

[Chart on pages 16, 17]

(For fully formatted text, see publication)


607 B.C.E. ← 2,520 years → 1914 C.E.

1000 B.C.E. | 1 B.C.E. | 1 C.E. | 1000 C.E. | 2000 C.E.

← 606.25 years →← 1,913.75 years →

The kingdom in Jerusalem is destroyed

Use your calculator: 606.25 + 1,913.75 = 2,520

God makes Jesus a King with power over the nations