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General Nonblood Management Principles

General Nonblood Management Principles

Distributed by Hospital Information Services for Jehovah’s Witnesses

Clinical Strategies for Avoiding and Controlling Hemorrhage and Anemia Without Blood Transfusion in Surgical Patients a

© 2001, 2023 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Email:

a This Clinical Strategies document is an informational resource and reference for medical practitioners only. It provides neither medical advice nor treatment recommendations and does not substitute for an appropriately qualified health-care professional. The editor does not recommend or endorse any test, physician, product, or procedure, and has endeavored to include accurate, timely information. However, not all listed strategies are appropriate or acceptable to all patients. It is the responsibility of each provider to maintain awareness of new information, discuss options for care, and assist patients in making choices in accord with their wishes, values, and beliefs. Patients should always seek the advice of a qualified health-care professional regarding a medical condition or treatment.