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Oncology (Pediatrics)

Thrombocytopenia Management

Eltrombopag for secondary failure of platelet recovery post-allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant in children. (opens new window)

Ali S, Gassas A, Kirby-Allen M, Krueger J, Ali M, Schechter T

Source‎: Pediatr Transplant 2017;21(6):e13017.

Indexed‎: PubMed 28653480

DOI‎: 10.1111/petr.13017 (opens new window)

Romiplostim for immune thrombocytopenia in neuroblastoma patients receiving chemotherapy. (opens new window)

Fassel H, Bussel JB, Roberts SS, Modak S

Source‎: J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2019;41(4):e257-9.

Indexed‎: PubMed 29683946

DOI‎: 10.1097/MPH.0000000000001187 (opens new window)

Romiplostim for therapy-related thrombocytopenia in pediatric malignancies. (opens new window)

Jacobson AE, Shah N, Setty BA

Source‎: Pediatr Blood Cancer 2017;64(8):e26473.

Indexed‎: PubMed 28150377

DOI‎: 10.1002/pbc.26473 (opens new window)

Eltrombopag for delayed platelet recovery and secondary thrombocytopenia following allogeneic stem cell transplantation in children. (opens new window)

Li S, Wu R, Wang B, Fu L, Zhu G, Zhou X, Ma J, Zhang L, Qin M

Source‎: J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2019;41(1):38-41.

Indexed‎: PubMed 30080752

DOI‎: 10.1097/MPH.0000000000001263 (opens new window)

Romiplostim for secondary thrombocytopenia following allogeneic stem cell transplantation in children. (opens new window)

Maximova N, Zanon D, Rovere F, Maestro A, Schillani G, Paparazzo R

Source‎: Int J Hematol 2015;102(5):626-32.

Indexed‎: PubMed 26084627

DOI‎: 10.1007/s12185-015-1821-1 (opens new window)

Chemotherapy induced thrombocytopenia in pediatric oncology. (opens new window)

Tamamyan G, Danielyan S, Lambert MP

Source‎: Crit Rev Oncol Hematol 2016;99:299-307.

Indexed‎: PubMed 26811139

DOI‎: 10.1016/j.critrevonc.2016.01.005 (opens new window)

Oncological management of pediatric cancer patients belonging to Jehovahs Witnesses: a two-institutional experience report. (opens new window)

Tenenbaum T, Hasan C, Kramm CM, Janssen G, Laws HJ, Wessalowski R, Bode U, Göbel U

Source‎: Onkologie 2004;27(2):131-7.

Indexed‎: PubMed 15138344

DOI‎: 10.1159/000076901 (opens new window)

Low-dose interleukin-11 in patients with bone marrow failure: update of the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center experience. (opens new window)

Tsimberidou AM, Giles FJ, Khouri I, Bueso-Ramos C, Pilat S, Thomas DA, Cortes J, Kurzrock R.

Source‎: Ann Oncol 2005;16(1):139-45.

Indexed‎: PubMed 15598951

DOI‎: 10.1093/annonc/mdi007 (opens new window)

Safety and cost effectiveness of a 10 x 10(9)/L trigger for prophylactic platelet transfusions compared with the traditional 20 x 10(9)/L trigger: a prospective comparative trial in 105 patients with acute myeloid leukemia. (opens new window)

Wandt H, Frank M, Ehninger G, Schneider C, Brack N, Daoud A, Fackler-Schwalbe I, Fischer J, Gäckle R, Geer T, Harms P, Löffler B, Ohl S, Otremba B, Raab M, Schönrock-Nabulsi P, Strobel G, Winter R, Link H

Source‎: Blood 1998;91(10):3601-6.

Indexed‎: PubMed 9572994 (opens new window)