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Left: Brothers and sisters participating in the Luanda International Fair in Luanda, Angola. Right: A brother (center) demonstrating our interactive Bible study course to visitors at our booth

SEPTEMBER 12, 2024

Interactive Bible Study Course Demonstrated to Over 200 Individuals at International Fair in Angola

Interactive Bible Study Course Demonstrated to Over 200 Individuals at International Fair in Angola

From July 23 to 28, 2024, the 39th Luanda International Fair was held in Luanda, Angola. The annual event featured displays from nearly 1,800 exhibitors and drew nearly 100,000 visitors. Jehovah’s Witnesses set up a booth featuring Bible-based material in nine languages. The booth also included a seating area where visitors could learn more about our interactive Bible study course. The course was demonstrated 227 times during the fair, and over 100 attendees requested to be visited at their homes.

When a woman approached the booth and expressed interest in learning more about the Bible, a sister offered her a study. During their conversation, the woman asked many questions and expressed particular interest in what the Bible promises about the future. She now enjoys a regular Bible study with our sister.

A sister using a touch screen display to demonstrate

Another woman was surprised to find out that we conduct our Bible educational work at no cost. Our sister explained that our motive is to share the good news about God’s Kingdom with as many people as possible. After learning that the woman had studied the Bible with the Witnesses in the past, the sister showed her the video What Happens at a Kingdom Hall? The woman was delighted to learn that all are welcome to attend our meetings, and she expressed interest in learning more.

A woman visiting from Portugal was excited to see Jehovah’s Witnesses at the fair. She explained that she often speaks with her neighbor who is a Witness. “Your organization impresses me so much, and I want to learn more about it!” she exclaimed. The woman promised to ask her neighbor for a Bible study when she returned home.

We are happy that many in Angola are expressing interest in learning more about the Bible and are eagerly accepting Jehovah’s invitation to come and “take life’s water free.”—Revelation 22:17.