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Brother Seymur Mammadov, imprisoned for conscientiously objecting to military service

OCTOBER 20, 2022

Azerbaijan Violates ECHR Decisions and Imprisons Seymur Mammadov for Refusing to Join Military

Azerbaijan Violates ECHR Decisions and Imprisons Seymur Mammadov for Refusing to Join Military

On September 22, 2022, the Goranboy District Court in Azerbaijan sentenced 22-year-old Brother Seymur Mammadov to nine months in prison for conscientiously objecting to military service. He was arrested in the courtroom immediately after the announcement of the verdict. This verdict is a direct violation of two rulings of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) pertaining to Azerbaijan.

Since 2019, the ECHR issued two judgments against Azerbaijan—Mamedov and Others v. Azerbaijan and Mekhtiyev and Abilov v. Azerbaijan. Both decisions supported the right of Jehovah’s Witnesses to refuse military service on religious grounds, a right guaranteed under Article 9 of the European Convention.

In both cases, the government of Azerbaijan admitted to the ECHR that they had violated the rights of our brothers and expressed a readiness to compensate them for all pecuniary and nonpecuniary damages. However, the gross violation of Brother Mammadov’s rights ignores these judgments.

Seymur Mammadov was first summoned to the State Service for Mobilization and Conscription of the Goranboy Region on May 4, 2022. He explained his Bible-based position to officials and asked to be provided with alternative civilian service. The officials refused to grant Seymur’s just request. Despite such pressure, Brother Seymur courageously stood his ground.

Currently, Seymur is detained in the city of Ganja. Despite the difficult circumstances, Seymur remains positive. He relates that he has been able to share his faith with some 30 cellmates. He even reports that some have shown interest in the Bible’s message.

Seymur’s lawyer has filed an appeal. It is hoped that the Ganja Court of Appeals will make a fair decision and rule to release our brother from prison.

There is no doubt that Jehovah will continue to support Seymur during this trial.—Isaiah 43:2.