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FEBRUARY 4, 2020

Cleanup Underway After Destructive Flooding in Brazil

Cleanup Underway After Destructive Flooding in Brazil

Since January 18, 2020, the Brazilian states of Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais have been experiencing an extraordinary amount of rainfall, which has caused destructive flooding. The floodwaters rushing through the streets have damaged homes, swept away cars, and uprooted trees. According to authorities, thousands have had to evacuate their homes and more than 60 people have died.

Espírito Santo

In the towns of Iconha and Alfredo Chaves, the flooding damaged nine homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses, affecting 27 of our brothers and sisters. Thankfully, none of our fellow worshippers were injured or killed.

Some 100 Witnesses from the region volunteered to assist the brothers affected by the flooding. Under the supervision of the elders, brothers donated food, water, and clothing. They also helped to clean and remove mud from the homes of both our brothers and their non-Witness neighbors.

Minas Gerais

None of our brothers and sisters were injured or killed. However, five Kingdom Halls were damaged and about 50 Witness families had to evacuate their homes. Some brothers were trapped by the rising floodwaters and had to be rescued by boat from the second floor of their homes. All of the evacuated brothers and sisters were accommodated by fellow Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Disaster Relief Committees have been appointed in both Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais to coordinate the relief work. The Disaster Relief Committees are working with circuit overseers and local elders to care for the physical and spiritual needs of the affected publishers.

We continue to pray for our brothers affected by the flooding. We thank Jehovah for giving them strength, comfort, and practical help through our Christian brotherhood.—Psalm 28:7.