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Brother Hamilton Vieira, along with a sign-language interpreter, announces the release of the Bible in Brazilian Sign Language as the audience applauds

SEPTEMBER 26, 2022

Complete New World Translation in Brazilian Sign Language Now Available

Complete New World Translation in Brazilian Sign Language Now Available

On Sunday, September 18, 2022, Brother Hamilton Vieira, a member of the Brazil Branch Committee, announced that the complete New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures is now available in Brazilian Sign Language on and in the JW Library Sign Language app. More than 36,300 watched the program, which was live streamed from the auditorium at the Brazil branch office.

Brothers and sisters pose for a photograph while displaying the Brazilian Sign Language Bible on their devices

This is the first complete translation of the Bible into Brazilian Sign Language and only the third complete sign-language Bible in the world. The translation project started in 2006 with the Gospel of Matthew. Subsequent Bible books were made available immediately after they were translated.

Angellyca, a deaf sister, expressed: “In the past, I tried reading the Bible in Portuguese, but it was difficult for me to understand. Now, with the Bible in Brazilian Sign Language, I understand it so well that I feel as if I am part of the accounts!”

Members of the Brazilian Sign Language translation team recording in their studio

In 1982, Jehovah’s Witnesses formed the first sign-language congregation in Rio de Janeiro. Today, some 9,500 publishers serve in 246 Brazilian Sign Language congregations, 337 groups, and 63 pregroups.

This Bible release highlights Jehovah’s love for our deaf brothers and sisters. We pray that this precious gift helps many more people to learn about Jehovah and his Son and to find the way to everlasting life.—John 17:3.