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The newly dedicated Wayuunaiki remote translation office in Riohacha, Colombia

MAY 30, 2023

Relocation of Wayuunaiki Remote Translation Office in Colombia

Relocation of Wayuunaiki Remote Translation Office in Colombia

On March 18, 2023, a new remote translation office (RTO) for the Wayuunaiki language was dedicated in Riohacha, Colombia. With an estimated 700,000 speakers, Wayuunaiki is the most widely spoken indigenous language in Colombia and Venezuela.

Previously, the RTO was located in two rented houses with limited space, unstable power, and unreliable phone and Internet services. For the new facilities, the branch office in Colombia purchased and renovated a complex of six apartments in a residential neighborhood. These buildings provide both housing and offices for the translation team. The project was approved in October 2022 and completed in January 2023.

Brother Juan Felipe Rodríguez, a member of the Local Design/Construction Department, explains the benefits of the new location: “These new facilities are equipped with an upgraded recording booth, a space for collaborative work, a better Internet connection, and an alternate power source to deal with frequent blackouts.”

Three of the Wayuunaiki-language translators working at the new translation office

The translation of Bible publications into Wayuunaiki began in 1998. Currently, 14 brothers and sisters support the translation work. There are approximately 400 publishers who attend 20 Wayuunaiki-language congregations.

What joy it brings us to see how Jehovah’s organization continues to help people of all language groups “draw close to God.”—James 4:8.