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JANUARY 2, 2020

Widespread Flooding Strikes Congo

Widespread Flooding Strikes Congo

Storms and prolonged flooding have created dangerous conditions throughout the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in central Africa. The Congo (Kinshasa) branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses reports that many Witnesses have been affected by the flooding. Sadly, in the capital city of Kinshasa, one of our brothers died because of the flooding.

The Congo (Kinshasa) branch has reported the following:

  • In the southwestern province of Kasai, strong winds and heavy rain destroyed the homes of six Witness families.

  • A Kingdom Hall in the northwestern province of Sud-Ubangi was completely flooded. The facility was used by three congregations, which have a total of 69 publishers. Flooding also affected 22 families in the area. The branch has appointed a special pioneer and another elder to organize material assistance and provide spiritual help to those affected in this isolated area.

  • In the province of Tshopo, brothers and sisters who live on the banks of the Congo River have been forced to evacuate their homes. Additionally, at least one Kingdom Hall in the area was flooded.

  • Congregations in the capital city, Kinshasa, have reported that at least 80 families have been affected by the flooding.

Since the flooding has created unsanitary conditions that heighten the risk of epidemics, the branch is providing the publishers information about how to protect their health.

Despite these challenging circumstances, the brothers and sisters are helping one another with material needs, such as food and clothing. Disaster Relief Committees under the direction of the branch are also offering assistance.

We know that our prayers, as well as the material and spiritual assistance provided by Jehovah’s organization, will bring ‘comfort to all who mourn’ during these critical times.—Isaiah 61:1, 2.