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JANUARY 8, 2021

2020 Kingdom Campaign: Global Brotherhood Refreshed by “Unforgettable Event”

2020 Kingdom Campaign: Global Brotherhood Refreshed by “Unforgettable Event”

Our ministry during the month of November 2020 will stand out as a milestone in the history of Jehovah’s Witnesses. A deadly pandemic confined most of us to our homes. Customary field service methods were temporarily suspended. And yet, Jehovah’s people succeeded in completing a global campaign to publicize God’s Kingdom. Around the world, millions worked hard to distribute The Watchtower No. 2 2020 to businesses, public officials, teachers, friends, relatives, and the general public. This work enlightened all who were willing to listen. But it also brought joy and spiritual refreshment to all who participated.

Here are some experiences and comments from our brothers and sisters from around the world:


Sister Lucinda Furkin

Eighteen-year-old Lucinda Furkin, a newly baptized sister in Australia, wrote: “Despite dealing with severe health problems during the peak of the campaign, I felt Jehovah cheering me on, holding my hand, and giving me the strength I needed to endure.”

One father in New Zealand described how the campaign helped his family: “As parents of four young daughters, aged 7, 9, 11, and 13, we found that viewing the worldwide campaign as a personal assignment from our loving Father, Jehovah, helped our family stick to our daily routine of engaging in the ministry.”


Kagiso and Lydia Marumo, who are serving in the circuit work, sent electronic copies of the magazine to unbelieving relatives. They received several appreciative replies. One of Kagiso’s relatives, who is a medical doctor, stated that the magazine arrived at just the right time. She explained that some of her patients had questions regarding spiritual topics and that her own children had been involved with the occult. The Marumos contacted this relative and began a Bible study that very evening. They now study together twice a week.

Brother Kagiso Marumo with his wife, Lydia


Sister Soroya Thompson

Soroya Thompson, a pioneer sister in Ontario, wrote: “The campaign recentered my focus on what is most important and how much work there is still left to do. It was also a reminder of Jehovah’s love and a testament to the fact that he truly does not desire any to be destroyed. Keeping that view and perspective made me want to work even harder during the campaign.”

A sister from British Columbia said: “During such a stressful time, I decided to auxiliary pioneer to fight back negative feelings. It helped me feel better, and it helped my family as well.”

The Canada branch reports that the campaign helped families draw closer together. It also made young children feel useful in the ministry, as they wrote simple letters of their own or helped the family label envelopes, apply stamps, and search for addresses.


Brother and Sister Tuomisto, who are in the circuit work, said: “November is the darkest time of the year here in the north. So the brothers and sisters, especially pioneers, were grateful for the campaign, which brought light to the darkness.”

Brother Timo Tuomisto with his wife, Eeva

After sending the magazine to an acquaintance, one couple received a letter of thanks that said, in part: “Today, [I was reading the Bible book] of James. It says that faith without deeds is dead in itself. Jehovah’s Witnesses have always approached people face-to-face, explaining and teaching the Bible. They perform deeds that strengthen faith.”


The Greece branch made this comment: “For many, the pandemic and the subsequent restrictions and lockdown are tiring. The campaign was just what they needed to refresh them. Many referred to the campaign as a ‘spiritual oasis!’”

Sister Suzie Kontargiri

Sister Suzie Kontargiri decided to auxiliary pioneer despite facing health problems and living in a spiritually divided household. She said: “With the campaign, all my negative thoughts went away. I would wake up cheerfully in the morning, do my chores, cook, take care of my husband, and then start in the ministry. My unbelieving husband would often ask: ‘Don’t you have field service today?’ because he became accustomed to seeing me working happily with the sisters.”


Sister Tamaki Hirota wrote letters to government officials. She expressed: “The originator of witnessing with letters is Jehovah. He wrote 66 letters to mankind, which humans have read repeatedly in their long history to draw close to Him. Jehovah knows how effective this method is. This was an unforgettable event.”

Sister Tamaki Hirota


Sisters Meharaja Vijaya and Imayanathan Amutha were inadvertently told to write to the same address. The recipient threw away the first letter he received without opening it. Then he saw the second letter. He reasoned that the message in the letters must be very important if it was sent twice. He read the magazine, called the sister who had sent the second letter, and accepted a Bible study.

Left to right: Sisters Meharaja Vijaya and Imayanathan Amutha

A local official called the Sri Lanka branch after receiving the magazine. She said that she had never met one of Jehovah’s Witnesses even though she was a Christian. After praising the contents of the magazine and our website, she asked: “How can I become one of Jehovah’s Witnesses?” A follow-up visit was arranged immediately.


A 13-year-old publisher who attends a school where politics is often discussed explained how the November campaign helped him: “I felt more confident that I could tell teachers why I was neutral. This made my faith a lot stronger.”

Sister Margit Haring

Sister Margit Haring had similar feelings. She wrote: “I was able to strengthen my courage and zeal. At first, just thinking about speaking to business owners and public officials made me nervous. Learning to defend my beliefs with a mild temper is good practice for the future.”

One elder said: “I was especially touched by the number of those who pioneered despite suffering from severe health issues. They could have taken it easy. But instead, they took the opportunity to participate in the campaign. The joy and appreciation they expressed for both Jehovah and their brothers often brought everyone to tears.”

There are many other experiences and expressions from around the world—far too many to relate here. It was truly a joy to reach millions of people with the Kingdom message.—John 15:11.