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Members of the Governing Body delivering the Memorial talk: (left) Brother Anthony Morris giving the talk broadcast to the Bethel family; (top right) Brother Geoffrey Jackson and (bottom right) Brother Mark Sanderson delivering the discourse for congregations via videoconference from their rooms

APRIL 10, 2020

2020 Memorial Commemoration—United States Bethel Facilities

2020 Memorial Commemoration—United States Bethel Facilities

On April 7, 2020, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world observed the Memorial of the death of Jesus Christ. As Brother Stephen Lett of the Governing Body stated: “There’s no virus, no pandemic in the world, that can dampen our appreciation for what Jehovah and Jesus have done for us or weaken our determination to observe the Lord’s Evening Meal.” How did that prove to be true this year?

This is the first of a series of articles for our Newsroom that will document how our brothers around the world observed the Memorial during the coronavirus pandemic. In this first article, we will consider how the Memorial was observed at the world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses and at the United States branch office.

In obedience to government restrictions on public gatherings, the Governing Body decided that there would be one Memorial program made available to all members of the Bethel family. The talk originated from the Warwick auditorium. Brother Anthony Morris presented the discourse. All members of the United States Bethel family had the opportunity to watch the program from their rooms. Although there are only a small number of partakers, the Bethel Office kindly provided the emblems for all in the family.

The Memorial emblems available for pickup by the Bethel family

Bethelites could also tie in to the Memorial program with their own congregations via videoconference. Additionally, Bethelites who are elders were given the option of delivering the Memorial talk via videoconference.

A couple who serve at Wallkill Bethel observe the Memorial in their Bethel room

Many in the Bethel family commented that this Memorial was one of the most special that they have ever attended. Although they were physically separated from their fellow worshippers, they felt united with their brothers and sisters worldwide in considering the two greatest expressions of love made by our God, Jehovah, and his beloved Son, Jesus Christ.—John 3:16; Matthew 20:28.