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From left to right: The first issue of The Golden Age (1919), the first issue of Consolation (1937), the first issue of Awake! (1946), and an electronic copy of the No. 2 2019 issue of Awake!

OCTOBER 1, 2019

A Century of the Awake! Magazine

A Century of the Awake! Magazine

October 1, 2019, marks the 100-year anniversary of the Awake! magazine. With over 280 million copies published annually in 211 languages, it is one of the most widely translated and distributed magazines in the world, second only to The Watchtower.

Brother Samuel Herd, a member of the Governing Body, states: “Awake! has sparked interest in the Bible’s message through the diverse subjects it addresses. Although the look and formatting of the magazine has changed over the years, it has remained an effective instrument in our preaching repertoire. Reaching the centennial mark is exciting, and ultimately, it is a testament to the backing of God’s spirit.”

Jehovah’s Witnesses initially announced the publication of The Golden Age—the magazine’s first title—during a landmark convention in Cedar Point, Ohio, U.S.A., in September 1919. In 1937, the name of the magazine was changed to Consolation to highlight people’s need for comfort. Finally, in 1946, the magazine was renamed Awake! to emphasize that readers should be aware of the spiritual significance of the times.

On August 11, 1946, attendees of a public convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Cleveland, Ohio, hold up their copies of the newly released Awake! magazine

We are delighted to reach this milestone as we continue to use Awake! in our Bible education work, ‘bearing thorough witness to the good news.’—Acts 20:24.