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Brother Miguel Silva and his wife, Mónica, reviewing the experience of Brother Konstantin Bazhenov on JW News

APRIL 9, 2021

JW News Articles Strengthen and Unite Our Brotherhood

JW News Articles Strengthen and Unite Our Brotherhood

JW News articles about our brothers and sisters facing persecution encourage us to endure. Their profiles help us get to know them, and their experiences and comments strengthen, unite, and assure us that they are coping with joy. The following experiences show how the worldwide brotherhood is benefiting from these articles.

Focusing on What We Can Do

Like many of us, Brother Miguel Silva and his wife, Mónica, (shown above) special pioneers in Portugal, have had their normal routine disrupted because of the pandemic. This can take an emotional toll. However, they were encouraged by the JW News report about Brother Konstantin Bazhenov. Konstantin wanted to read the Bible but could not get one in prison. Instead of yielding to discouragement, he made his own “Bible” using the verses he had memorized. This taught Miguel and Mónica a vital lesson. Miguel explains: “Instead of focusing on what we can’t do during the pandemic, we focus on and try to appreciate what we can do while we are at home.”

Additionally, Miguel and Mónica decided to improve their daily Bible reading and meditation. “In time, we are sure Jehovah will help us remember all that we are storing in our hearts,” says Mónica. “Brother Bazhenov’s experience [also] motivated us to view our ‘house arrest’ during this pandemic as an opportunity to encourage others, sing joyfully to Jehovah, and improve our prayers,” adds Miguel.

Overcoming Fear of Persecution

Sister Christine Mouhima Etonde reading about our brothers in Russia enduring persecution

Sister Christine Mouhima Etonde, a regular pioneer serving in Cameroon, admits that for years accounts about persecution frightened her. However, she explains how her view was adjusted: “Reading the JW News articles about our brothers and sisters enduring persecution has completely changed my way of thinking. When I read about my brothers’ attitudes and their specific prayers, see their smiles and how they prepared themselves ahead of time for persecution—no matter their age—it motivates me to get to know Jehovah even better. My love for him has grown steadily to the point where I can now imagine myself being persecuted, but without fear. I see myself being joyful, praying, and meditating on Jehovah.”

Preparing to Defend Our Faith

Brother Iulian Nistor and his wife, Oana, discussing JW News articles about our brothers defending their faith

Brother Iulian Nistor and his wife, Oana, from Romania, were touched by the way Brother Anatoliy Tokarev defended his faith in court. He was calm, respectful, and firmly resolved to keep his integrity. His example moved Iulian and Oana to think about how they would defend their faith in a courtroom setting. “During family worship, we imagined that we were before the court, defending our faith. It was not easy to express our convictions with tact and respect as our brother did,” recalls Oana. “At the end of our family study, we felt closer to our brothers and sisters. We also saw the importance of being prepared to defend our faith and remembering why we are proud to be Jehovah’s Witnesses.”

Analyzing the Quality of Our Prayers

Sister Anna Ravoajarison from Madagascar reviewing recent articles on JW News

Sister Anna Ravoajarison from Madagascar was moved to analyze the quality of her prayers. After reading the experience of Brother Jovidon Bobojonov, Anna says: “Sometimes, when I am too absorbed in everyday activities, I feel my prayers become mechanical. I find myself repeating the same sentences if I don’t take a few minutes to think about what I will tell Jehovah.” After meditating further on Jovidon’s example, she put herself in his shoes. ‘Would I be able to say such specific things if I were to face a similar trial?’ she asked herself. “This has taught me the need to set aside some time to meditate on what to say to Jehovah before praying. I am so grateful for these reports.”

Gaining More Compassion for Our Brothers

Brother Ruben Catarino and his wife, Andreia, reading about a couple in Russia who are both being tried for their faith

Brother Ruben Catarino and his wife, Andreia, regular pioneers in Portugal, have been drawn closer to their brothers. Ruben says: “In the past, we knew our brothers were being persecuted in other countries, but we didn’t know them. We didn’t know who they were, what their life was like, or what challenges they faced. Thanks to these articles, now we truly know them. We can pray specifically for them and their circumstances. That makes us feel closer to our brothers and feel that our prayers can have a deeper effect.”

Increasing Appreciation for Personal Study

Sister Cecilia Cardoso using JW News as part of her personal Bible study program

No doubt many of us feel as does Sister Cecilia Cardoso, a regular pioneer from Portugal, who concludes: “Because of what our brothers and sisters have experienced, I now place more value on personal study. Through my increased study of the Bible, I will trust more in Jehovah, and my love for him will grow. He will help me see my fear as a tiny grain of sand. It is clear to me that fear only wins when we stop looking to Jehovah.”

How grateful we are to have modern-day examples of courage and faith published on These accounts assist us to be of “good courage and say: ‘Jehovah is my helper, I will not be afraid.’”—Hebrews 13:6.