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Sister Fumiko Takehara and her son, Naoki, consider JW News articles as part of a Family Worship project

MARCH 8, 2021

Parents Use JW News Articles to Help Their Children Face Trials With Confidence

Parents Use JW News Articles to Help Their Children Face Trials With Confidence

Many Witness parents have been using JW News articles to bolster their children’s faith.

Sister Fumiko Takehara, a mother in Japan, reads and discusses the reports on JW News with her 12-year-old son, Naoki. They print out pictures of the brothers and sisters featured in the articles and hang them on the wall. “We mention them individually in our prayers,” says Fumiko. “We feel comforted knowing that Jehovah gives his people joy, even if they are in prison. We can see [joy] in our brothers’ facial expressions. Their good examples help my son to show loyalty to Jehovah at school.”

The Zannou family uses a JW News article to build courage to preach

“I am on the lookout every day for JW News articles on,” says Brother Kilanko Zannou, a father of two in Côte d’Ivoire. Kilanko often incorporates the reports into their family worship. He has found that his family, including his seven-year-old son, Matthias, has learned much from our brothers who courageously endure persecution.

Young Matthias was reluctant to preach to his schoolmates. Kilanko relates: “After our family worship, Matthias exclaimed enthusiastically: ‘I’m no longer afraid to preach!’”

Brother Holmes Simatupang, a father in Indonesia, read with his children two articles about young Witnesses in Indonesia who were expelled from school for refusing to salute the flag.

The Simatupang family discusses a JW News article about youths who kept their integrity in school

Brother Simatupang says: “Our two children face very similar challenges at their school. They have to endure constant pressure from teachers and classmates to salute the flag, sing the national anthem, and join in religious activities. Because of this, for a time, our children were afraid to go to school.

“After we discussed [the] two articles during family worship,” Holmes continues, “they can now bravely explain their neutral stand regarding the flag. They are no longer overly worried about being expelled from school.”

Sister Lady Nery Passos in Brazil says: “When our son, Pedro, was only five or six years old, he faced the issue of birthday celebrations at school.” When thinking of how best to help their son, she thought of the many brothers and sisters featured in JW News articles who prepared themselves for trials. She relates: “We used family worship to practice realistic situations, which helped him to know what to do when there were birthday parties at school.” This practice better prepared Pedro to defend his beliefs.

Brother and Sister Passos use JW News to teach their son how to stand firm for his beliefs

JW News articles remind us of how well Jehovah strengthens and cares for his loyal ones. We have ample evidence that when we face trials we will be “filled with joy and holy spirit” to endure.—Acts 13:50-52.